Category: Uncategorized

  • La Rage

    A friend of my past died tonight Part of me also died This always happens I needed to be happy again But I chose to be angry I needed my revenge La Rage La Rage La Rage

  • Four Hours

    Something of my past stopped tonight These things happen from time to time It upset me greatly so I decided To become happy again I assassinated a local councillor Whose extreme views offended me It was all over in four hours And as I say on my settee Reading a future newspaper A policeman knocked […]

  • A Lust For Words

    Each day I scour the city For new and original words I keep these words In a glass bottle For future use As I plan to write poetry

  • Beauty Killed The Beast

    I will kill you slowly I will eviscerate you You have invaded me I will not forgive you Please stay As I am lonely My door is always open Intimacy awaits you

  • Passing/Dreams of Leaving

    I frequently stop just to watch people pass by I stop in busy streets and in shopping malls But my favourite locations are stations Buses Trains and Trams fascinate me greatly As people are always moving without much thought The destination in their minds is of the greatest importance Yet they forget about the journey […]

  • A Walk Through History

    A secret river runs beneath my feet It was covered many years ago On the quietest of nights You can hear its hidden flow

  • Candle

    I am falling in love With the world around me The remains of a purple candle In a small glass jar With two flames burning Brings me a great pleasure

  • The Demise of Disou

    I was going to to be dramatic and write By the time you read this I will be dead Which is obviously wrong as I am currently writing this puerile shit I had now reached middle age (aka the suicide years ) You read about it often in the papers MA guys going missing Only […]

  • Without Reflection

    The one who has a good friend Does not need a mirror Black Dog Pale Dog Rumi

  • Barnett Newman

    If colour is within your heart You will find your way home Even on the darkest of winter days Rumi