Category: Uncategorized

  • Time

    I am sitting alone on the flight deck of Light 2 Listening to Barber’s Adagio for Strings Having just finished reading a football programme Issued for a match played over one thousand years ago My ship is currently travelling through Angelis Four And has been doing so for the last twenty years Yet I have […]

  • On the Wall

    What is this Mark The mark on this wall It is more of a smudge Than a mark Mark Yes What is it A smudge Is it important to you Very Why It was made by my mother She was kissing Paris goodbye Before she was deported That is very sad Mark It is I […]

  • Eternity

    I opened the door I kicked my shoes off I walked across The wooden floor Towards the open window And jumped I have repeated This journey On many occasions

  • Rose Meringue

    On the last day of our holiday We had a Rose Meringue For breakfast with black coffee The mix of a lunatic I thought But they complemented each other

  • The Rose Winds

    The skies turn a blush pink On the days of the rose winds My friends and I are mere shadows Which adds to the innocent drama

  • Bookshelf

    Lucas Life Blind Since Birth A Celebration of American Cinema These are the only books Left on my bookshelf The rest have been borrowed Or stolen by my flatmates

  • Drive in the Desert

    I am obsessed with light The structure of light The science of light The music of light That is why I often drive Deep into the desert Where I can be alone With my thoughts There are no streetlights So when night falls It is totally dark Save for the moon And the stars I […]

  • I Sleep I Speak I Hide

    I am naked under the duvet My sister has entered my room With her friends It is my birthday Happy Birthday Essie May I am mortified As Robert is there I had a thing with Robert I fell in love with Robert But he liked men More than girls They are singing to me Happy […]

  • Morning Thoughts

    Wheels On Fire Gun For Hire In The Mire Touch The Wire

  • An Association With Venus

    On an autumn avenue I asked you to trust me As I felt what I was doing Was the right thing to do I handed your father A blank passion card With our names on it We then left the country And have never returned