Category: Uncategorized

  • Lukas is Here

    He has brought Christine Who is a little shy And is new to this recreation Erotic Poems of Summer

  • Woman know Thy Place

    Normally guys who take girls Out on a date Catch a bus Woman know Thy Place I consider that rude It is the best restaurant in town

  • Time kills and thrills it thrills and kills –

  • Raining in the Desert Standing Still

    I chose to remain in the desert Instead of going to the water park The main reason was that I liked being alone I could read and sleep whilst skipping On the enormous but modest dunes Which were created by the winds

  • Life Class

    Whilst I was in London yesterday I found an art gallery That was exhibiting A number of drawings By Tom Roy Howard He was one of my lecturers At college and we had a brief fling Which we kept very secret So imagine my surprise When I found some life drawings Of me asleep on […]

  • Life of a Hamster

    Being a hamster is rather jolly Nobody bothers you And you are left alone You will not get fat As each home has a treadmill I call mine Oscar I know that I am pretty safe Unlike the cats and dogs Who are forever Looking over their shoulders And do not get me started On […]

  • The Antiquities of the Future

    “antiquities A cat caught/fought a mouse in my house Which do I like that line It is descriptive but also rather dull I started this poem yesterday In the firm knowledge That I would finish it in the future There is not a cat Neither is there a mouse Or a a house in Laos […]

  • Lavender Blue and Black

    I have three cats named Moggy Moon & Mary I do not know Why I called this poem Lavender Blue and Black As it is about the drapes That I purchased today Whilst out shopping Silly Girl

  • Skinny Dip

    I once swam naked with my brother And when underwater Noticed that his penis Was hanging and drifting Like a drunken seahorse This really turned me on And I soon began to feel very wet Silly Girl

  • The Thoughts of WHY

    There is much debate about assisted dying at present Our over/under worked government of liberal thought Is taking time out from bullying those without defence And finding new and original ways Of wasting taxpayers hard earned money To discuss something that is so absurd that it defies belief What is being missed and I do […]