Category: Uncategorized

  • A Designated Lesbian Suite

    A bulldog licking a naked woman out A piece of sapphic erotica Hanging on the bedroom wall A Designated Lesbian Suite Which is not offensive to dogs Rye is surprising town Or so I am told

  • Getting Straight

    Fathers Son I have a confession to make Are you flunking out of college No Then what I like girls I am in a relationship with a girl WHAT Yes I like girls I have no attraction to men The anus holds no mysteries for me I like the soft skin of a beautiful woman […]

  • Love x 2

    Red Sweater Blue Sweater Black Jeans Black Jeans White Trainers White Trainers In Love

  • Love

    Love is a feeling That one can experience But never understand I love looking at you But you do not respond Perhaps I need a new mirror

  • Nordic Blonde

    My Nordic Blonde English Playing Field A Rare Visitor You stand quite passive On the rugged touchline During the heat of the game With the sun setting behind you I am aware of your cameo role Yet my day is memorable On this the occasion Of your late autumn visit

  • Untitled

    beauty will save the world I was walking down a street people approached me and asked me if I was starving as I looked frail I assured them that I was not hungry yet they still dropped their pants and shit furiously in front of me they requested that I consume their shit I of […]

  • Parallax View

    Although I knew its meaning I checked Wiki World The effect whereby the position or direction of a cunt appears to differ when viewed from different positions Interesting But confusing As cunts always seem to remain cunts No matter the direction of their travel Or even if they remain still

  • Who is Sky Daddy

    In recent weeks I have heard The Useful Idiots Refer to Sky Daddy Who the fuck Is Sky Daddy Do I know him Or am I living In a parallel universe Far fetched from the real one

  • Science on a Wet Afternoon

    I have been detained Not by those Unfit for purpose I am under my own Strict Orders It is raining hard The day is unclean Vehicles are passing And driving carelessly Through shallow puddles I am in a roadside shelter Yet am quite wet In an area of dry refuge The science confuses me I […]

  • Hero/Oreh

    At a lit crossing yesterday My quick thinking prevented an accident A ****** mistook the flashing green light As a signal to cross safely and without harm When it was an obvious warning I stopped him crossing by using my arm as a barrier He understood my physical action as a dog might Yet the […]