Category: Uncategorized

  • Small Pale Seashells

    Today I filled a jar up With coconut mushrooms After a while I decided That they resembled Small Pale Seashells

  • Coconut Mushrooms

    Today I filled a jar up With small pale seashells After a while I decided That they resembled Coconut Mushrooms

  • Dogger Douglass Doougejand

    Rge Robots are nit far awau I can cthem in the fading sky Welcome Sissy Controller Sissy A miltocoloured frog I have known hwe since she was a black toad Suptrmw Commander Saviour England’s Seaside Reports Sing loudly Sing sweetly Sing with pride As our revenge Will be total Hide no more Yi are the […]

  • Stark Naked

    Stark naked at 02:30 am Fuse blown Torch lost The cat has thrown up I have tried to be philosophical About these unrelated events But it is very hard In the small hours Torch found Fuse sorted Cat cleaned up Back to bed Was this a bad dream Or was it real And why have […]

  • Metal

    Why do I listen to Metal When writing poetry One of the main reasons Is that I l know so little about Metal That I enjoy it On a purely visceral level Even though I am a talented poet There are many things I do not know Why do some women fuck women When there […]

  • Dazzle the Peacock

    I found Dazzle the Peacock Hanging from a tree branch This disturbed me As I did not think That peacocks had suicidal thoughts This beautiful bird was however lucky As I was an Army Medic Highly trained In the treatment of suicidal birds Dazzle is now on the road to recovery Which is happy news […]

  • God Spoke to Me

    About ten years ago I fell into the abyss It was not a comfortable experience But I was helped on my return journey By a depressed psychiatrist Who committed suicide last week This news hit me hard And I found myself Standing on the railway tracks At the back of my house I wanted the […]

  • Poems on the Underground

    Julie rang me with her latest news She had been travelling on the tube And had noticed that some of my poems Were being displayed on the station walls I was given no credit for these works Which did not bother me As I had yet to write these poems

  • Poems on the Underground

    Juliet rang me with her latest news She had been travelling on the tube And had noticed that some of my poems Were being displayed on the station walls I was given no credit for these works Which did not bother me As I prefer the anonymity I thanked Juliet And asked her to remain […]

  • Forget History

    Forget history You have no history It is easier that way Histories complicate Histories can be forged By those whose pens lie Only certain histories Should be retained Others should be forgotten As they are trite They have no anchor And drift rudderless Down mighty rivers Towards the sea