Category: Uncategorized

  • Famous People

    I have not met many famous people Nor would I want to Fame is not important to me However I am followed around By the chap in the shaving mirror He is very persistent I try to discourage him But he takes no notice I am thinking of murdering him

  • The Sun Dial

    The sun dial has stopped ticking Night follows day Night follows day Your garden Is cloaked in a darkness That will suffocate All the evils Known to you This is my only message The light will return

  • Pigsty

    You buried me with the pigs Hoping that they would Eat Me But I was far too bitter For their delicate tongues This was your first and last mistake

  • How Dare You

    How dare you cross our meadows And carelessly pick the beautiful flowers They were causing you no harm And were living in peace with the country days You have brought a darkness into this village I will never forgive you

  • Rebel

    I am not a rebel Far from it I am very conservative And long for the Empire I was born in India Long after it was lost And watched Malaria Slowly weaken my father During my childhood years I consider that I am different And maybe I am I still weep silently When listening to […]

  • The Rebel

    I like to think I am a rebel But I am not I am just a cunt Who likes to think That he is a rebel

  • Poem

    I woke up this morning And drowned in my disappointment The skies were grey Rain was threatened The cat was unwell again And had shit in the rockery Corbyn had not died Screaming of cancer Whilst I slept The pigs were politicised And so anally fucking weak Protests had not been banned All protests that […]

  • Car Park

    Because of the angle of the sun I backed into the cat behind me There was no real damage But the paint was scratched When I looked up I noticed That the car belonged to my neighbour Sheila I Immediately apologised as she was my friend Shelia said that there was no need to apologise […]

  • Polaroid Pink

    I met Polaroid Pink at the Service Station She was wearing her fathers Brown suit I was wearing a Grey suit Which once belonged To my mother

  • DaDa Theater

    Little Sunny Brook Farm No longer exists It has been replaced By a motorway service station With a DaDa Theater attached