Category: Uncategorized

  • A Dog with Mauve

    On the bus today I met a dog with purple eyebrows Your songs are not forgotten I also have a beard of red And if you look closely I am wearing lipstick Crimson and Pink Ask before you touch me Faggot Brain Your songs will soon be forgotten Deceptions of the dying light You are […]

  • The Truth about Honeydew

    Honeydew is a sugar-rich sticky liquid secreted by aphids some scale insects and many other true bugs and some other insects as they feed on plant sap When their mouthpart penetrates the phloem the sugary, high-pressure liquid is forced out of the anus of the aphid Above is the Wiki description of Honeydew I used to serve Honeydew Sandwiches […]

  • Honeydew Sandwiches

    There is a cafe on the seafront near the pier That advertises Honeydew Sandwiches And a choice of craft teas This town is going so up market That fish and chips are considered vulgar Fights no longer break out in the local pubs As duelling is seen as a satisfactory alternative

  • Alison’s Story

    Little mousy Eliza Shy mousy Eliza Who studies me with those large brown eyes I am sure that she is in love with me But feels that I am out of her league I will invite her to my apartment Perhaps we might swim together In the pool at the complex I will dry her […]

  • Eliza’s Story

    I had admired Alison from afar For a number of weeks Then to my great surprise She invited me to her apartment For a while I thought that I might live with her But when I arrived she opened the door Wearing just a tiny green string bikini It was then that I realised That […]

  • Porno Technique

    If you tell a suspect that you are about to arrest them And they resist arrest Then you show them your firearm And tell them that you will not be afraid to use it If they still resist Then loosen your grip And let the suspect break free Let just a second pass Then raise […]

  • Then why do you frequently change your name

    Should we rewrite our colonial past No Why Because once it is history It is history It can not be rewritten If I drop a bottle of sauce And it breaks on the kitchen floor That is its history It cannot be changed Should we rewrite our colonial past No Why Because I loved every […]

  • Casual Nudity With A Straw Hat

    My home backs on to a quiet railway station Which I find fascinating as I enjoy trains Especially the long distance ones In certain ways these trains help me sleep As I try to drift away between the 10:23 and the 11:04 When I moved into this house six years ago The station was called […]

  • Ursula and the Two Rainbows

    I met Ursula on the promenade Just after the storm had passed She asked after you And sent her best wishes We engaged in small talk As friends often do Before our attention Was slowly smothered By the beauty of two vivid rainbows Arched high above The restless sea Deal November 4th 2023

  • Wild Dog

    Earlier today a wild dog Came into my farmyard And savaged my cat Along with her tiny kittens None were spared I blew the dog in half With my powerful shotgun And to my total surprise I was heavily criticised By my immediate neighbours Who I had always thought of As useful idiots and nothing […]