Category: Uncategorized

  • Wimpy Bar

    Julia and I are in a Wimpy Bar We are sitting next to the window Julia is wearing my work overalls I am wearing her pretty red dress Nobody notices This performance Nobody cares

  • Sleeping Beauty 3

    Julia is asleep William is asleep The shops are closed The town dreams

  • Sleeping Beauty 2

    I had planned for the whole event To last two days Two hours Two minutes And two seconds Our event attracted a great deal of interest People were very kind And brought us refreshments And one kind shopkeeper Gave Julia a nightshirt As she thought she might get cold Because I was using a summer […]

  • Sleeping Beauty

    Last year I asked Julia to sleep pm a futon Im the middle of a shopping precic I am wriying this pom whist sittomg on a chair The idea was that I could watch her dream The diff was that I was blindfolded Hence the many spelling erroes

  • The Pink Tree

    In New York There is a park Which is called The High Line As I was walking Its length I came across A Pink Tree Which I liked A great deal As pink is my Favourite colour

  • Bus Station

    There is a palm print on your window What were you doing before I arrived Watching the buses come and go And I was waiting for you Really Yes I was

  • The Dead of Europe

    Today when walking through Hyde Park I saw my twin Reading a book I had written The Dead of Europe

  • Poets in London

    Wear red coats with silver buttons And carry guns loaded with silver words

  • N.y.m.p.h.o Be Gone

    Abandon me now you cheap fucking whore I do not need you any more as you disgust me My endless white thoughts are my life now Every flower in my garden Mocks you without guilt As you are quite diseased B.l.a.c.k A.n.g.e.l.a

  • Caligula Collected Seashells

    I must confess that I do not like cross dressing men And because of that I killed a DRAG Queen With my late father’s wartime gun This creature was due to read To a class of innocents at a local school Which was a crime against decency As this pervert had disappeared I was asked […]