Category: Uncategorized

  • Lucy & Felix

    Are you Patti Smith’s sister No Esther said that you were Then Esther is wrong Felix Lucy How do you know that Esther is wrong Because I am Patti Smith’s sister

  • Lucy & Felix

    Would you like to share my Bath No Why are you shy I am not shy Lucy Then why Because I like to explore cities on my own

  • Lucy & Felix

    Felix Yes Are you sleeping with Esther No Then why is she in our bed Because you are sleeping with her

  • Lucy & Felix

    What are you doing Lucy Standing in the rain Why are you wearing my vest Because I like the feel of the cool morning Join me Felix Why Because we share the same sky

  • Lucy & Felix

    History is not really ancient It exists before our eyes I would like to experiment with history What are you doing Felix Speaking to the bathroom mirror Why Because I have no reflection Lucy

  • The Gardens of Technique

    Each part of our garden speaks loudly of you From the daisies pure to the flamboyant roses I can see your recent history It is not a difficult task From the long grassy paths That lead to the house To the perfumed wisteria arches distant Your signatures are everywhere

  • Fin De Journée

    I have just arrived at the door Of our beautiful apartment I have travelled so far today Across time zones and many languages I know that you are waiting for me You always wait for me There will be a welcome meal And a warm bed flat and light I will sleep on your perfect […]

  • Japanese Escalators

    I once funded three escalators in Japan Before I left for my home in England When I returned to Japan Some years later I found that they had each been vandalised

  • 73 ABC

    The season is at an end Everything is closed Only the dark creatures These filthy dark creatures Can still be seen 73 ABC Means so little to me My garage is for sale My business is no more Dead cars no longer sell I had all the advantages The geography was perfect The seasons were […]

  • Breathe

    I quite like looking at then and now photographs But what strikes me is how in the last sixty years We have managed to suffocate ourselves blindly Whereas we had space we now have vacuums It is an attractive decay but is not at all desirable Yet I have noted that architects do not live […]