Category: Uncategorized

  • Black Nomads

    I frequently see Black Nomads Passing my wilderness In the desert Of my dreams

  • The Old English Fort

    We often visit The Old English Fort When we return from a swim Our clothes dry On the peaceful battlements Whist we relax in the sun It is a pleasant way To pass an afternoon

  • Close My Eyes

    These are the end of days When the summer fades Whilst wearing her finest dress I have just collected Two red stone pebbles In celebration of the sinking sun

  • The best poems are never published

    This small dusty book contains a poem Written by a slave owner and is an account Of the execution by hanging of one of his slaves Who was accused of brutally raping A white woman in her own house It was written just over two hundred years ago And is a fine and moving poem […]

  • Black Mermaids

    I once owned a large slave ship At that time I was married to a white mermaid It was during one of these dark voyages That I was told about the black mermaids Who could be found in the southern seas I kept a look out for many years Without meeting Any of these alluring […]

  • Felix

    See that guy over there Which one The guy selling the sunglasses What about him His name is Felix And he has been selling sunglasses There in front of the hotel For forty six years How do you know My father remembers him He looks pretty ancient That is because he is ill Is it […]

  • James Bond

    I recognised an extra in the latest James Bond movie I worked with her some years ago in a small office She appears in two scenes And then vanishes She is not seen again

  • Zen Garden

    A tiger stalks its prey in my zen garden But finds no vulnerable creatures The tiger is careful to avoid the coloured glass Which I collected from the promenade mosaics There is also glass from automobile accidents Which is larger but less colourful Than the other decorations

  • Mr Nasty

    I have just watched a Plus Sized (Fat) WoMAN Bad mouth A beautiful song by Queen Which has been enjoyed By millions of people To this PLUS SIZED WOMAN I ask two questions When was the last time someone actually desired you When was the last time that someone actually fucked you I once wrote […]

  • Poems on the Underground

    Every poem needs a tube train What are you reading Joe A book of poetry I found it on a Liz Line train over the weekend What is in in the book Poems Poems Sarky There is one poem written by a chap who is not really considered a poet Who is that Spike Milligan […]