Category: Uncategorized

  • A Day at the Beach

    Only I could see the mermaids Dancing wildly in the sea Causing a great disturbance Star fish were spinning In the madness of Catherine Wheels Who was sitting next to me Collecting square pebbles I am the missing violinist

  • Paths

    Always travel along The quieter paths My friend You will see more I can promise you that

  • Betty

    Have you noticed how the streetlights Resemble the white fades that illuminated The beach huts of our recent past I long for our slow days and sweaty nights In those dry flat lands of the south

  • Sparrowhawk

    As Jane and I returned from the beach today We met a sparrowhawk sitting on a fence I walked towards the rapacious bird Hoping that it would fly away and hunt elsewhere But like an owl it did not abandon its station

  • The Finest Sunset

    I have just witnessed the finest sunset of the year It was spectacular yet so soothing on the eye I could not but think that I was looking into heaven And that God was speaking to me once again

  • Joe and the Infected Flowers

    We toured the castle gardens this afternoon Rain was not far away humid winds prevailed My happiest memory was of the beautiful flowers Which were so colourful and full of their own tunes But my joy was tempered as I quite clearly knew That these flowers were infected with decay And would not greet me […]

  • Joe the Nazi

    I read this awful book the other day Joe It was horrible It was from the Nazi era and compared races We are all equal Joe We eat we breathe we shit we fuck Is that all Splitting paths Joe I do not agree with you one bit Millie What about Josie She is not […]

  • Vanilla Soleil

    Today is a Vanilla Soleil It is time to laze on the beach And swim in the sea Away from one’s worries Problems and concerns Days like these are quite rare So it is prudent to keep One or two spare

  • Children of the Church

    In my dream I was in a death camp I was in charge of the entertainment Which although constantly changing Had a loyal and devoted fan base The most sinister part of my dream Was when I found myself swimming In the Vistula River under grey green skies It was here that I discovered the […]

  • Everyman Alfred Lord Tennyson

    Where is Chrissie On the hill Reading poetry Tennyson again Very much She is a rather strange girl So gregarious But so very quiet Her silence is infectious I am so glad to have her as my wife So you should be Angela She is a rare creature