Category: Uncategorized

  • Rare August

    You have promised To reveal yourself to me But you are still covered in sackcloth I await your full nudity And dislike being teased You are my favourite month Do share your beauty with me Before it is too late to do so

  • The Red Sea

    Joe Josephine Can we have one of our chats Coffee On the table Strong Yes You have been very quiet recently Sorry You are in one of your deep moods I know What is troubling you Do you really want to know Yes I am troubled by my thoughts What thoughts As you are aware […]

  • William & Wilma

    I found out an interesting fact the other day What was that That Victorian men Would pin their lovers Maidenhair to their hats As a token of affection I suppose that you might consider yourself lucky Because I am not your lover but your sister And that I always shave my cunt It is cleaner […]

  • The Past Whispers

    I have just watched a short travel film Which was shot in Scotland over sixty years ago How confident things were In those friendly and ordered days Everybody seemed to possess a sense of purpose A will to succeed a bravery pure in its white ambition So where did it all go wrong I have […]

  • The Edo Period (1600-1868) The Meiji Era (1868-1912)

    My sister and I are Half-Japanese Our father is Japanese And our mother is English We sit on the beach Near our home Watching the waves During the summer months The tides are very low And the waves submissive I suppose that we are waiting For Hokusai’s GREAT WAVE But it will never arrive Here […]

  • The Geography of Beehives

    Tina and I would swim most mornings In the perfumed mulberry pool It was idyllic on those hot summer days We then looked after the bees with mother I had always been fascinated by bees And was given my own hive at a young age Which I religiously looked after Until we left the country […]

  • The Perfumed Garden

    I saw something rather pleasant yesterday Joe What was that Pray tell Pray tell As I was walking along Wellington Parade Wellington Parade You know where it is The parade leads to the village along the coastal path All six figure residences Second homes by the sea Everybody who lives there is suffering from terminal […]

  • The Old Firing Range

    The firing range dates back Over one hundred years But its decay is quite recent With every storm the sea Claims its rich reward Stern notices instruct one not to enter Private Property Danger Padlocks Strong gates Feeble fences Yet if one walks a few hundred yards Then there is a friendly gate Which gives […]

  • Moscow Sleeping

    I left Moscow sleeping In our apartment She would sleep For another two hours By then I would be in The Border Fields Painting with many freedoms Using a bright palette

  • In the Desert

    Beth was walking slowly with her night lamp It shone brightly even though the light was not yet lost Her friend Pearl was sitting in front her van Smoking quietly as Jazzy Zee picked out a tune On her tired torn and bleached guitar In the distance Cyprus Falls was falling into darkness As it […]