Category: Uncategorized

  • Rustic August

    The August trees Are bathed In a rustic light Summer appears To be fading Yet the days Are still warm And the hours long August is a confusing month

  • Japanese Sunrise

    I watched the sun break this morning It reminded me of my Japanese days

  • Contemplating Suicide

    I often contemplate suicide As I miss her so much My life is so very vacant without her I often contemplate suicide As I miss her so much And would like to think That she misses me

  • Fuck Fat Fucks

    Josie Joe Here is a clip of film from many years ago What do you notice The fashions Not just the fashions The cars No not the cars or the buildings or the colour of the dog shit What am I supposed to notice Joe The size of the people How many fat people can […]

  • Absurdity and Beyond

    There was an item on the BBC recently About homeless people in large cities It was a typical biased BBC report But they dropped an absolute clanger As they reported that most of these people Were not born in the UK Far from it There is such an obvious answer To this problem But it […]

  • Cigarettes after Rex

    Why are you smiling Gill I was just thinking What would your parents think If they came into this room Would they be shocked Whatever for I am in bed with the person I love Who just happens to be a woman What does Rex think of me He thinks the world of you Really […]

  • Apples & Locust

    It is a known fact That ripe apples Fall more frequently During storms It is a known fact  That locust  Sing loudly  During storms 

  • Tattoo

    I was swimming in the sea off of Cap Ferrat When I spotted a topless woman on a beach Yet it was not her nudity that attracted me But her tattoos of which there were many Most were pretty ordinary but the one On her lower back greatly unnerved me As it was my likeness […]

  • Realism

    What are you doing I am reading a biography Of F Scott Fitzgerald Did he write it No that would Have been an autobiography It was written By a number of insects Living in the rotting trunk Of an old tree I did not know That insects had such a capacity for language Neither did […]

  • Into the Void

    A journey awaits It is a journey That I must make It is far more beautiful Than I could have ever imagined I can see the thin mists Of the universe Swirling in a deep light That get brighter and brighter As I travel towards its source I am experiencing So many raw emotions That […]