Category: Uncategorized

  • The Terrible Machines

    For many years I have been studying The Terrible Machines of Anne Boleyn Which have been all but forgotten by history I am standing in a fading barn in Somerset Which is rumoured to have been built Over one of these terrible machines At present I am waiting for permission To begin the dig using […]

  • Foundations of Paper

    If you build a house With weak foundations Then in time it will collapse The same applies to railway stations I am at present waiting for a red bullet train To pass by at high speed using the central tracks From this vantage I can also see a yellow school bus It is parked next […]

  • décorer les heures

    today you and I have many hours in front of us they belong to us all it is up to us to decorate these hours in whatever way we choose this poem has been written during the last hour you might ask why i have given it a french title which is in all likelihood […]

  • Cool Summer Breeze

    The low air of the afternoon Had been humid on my skin I had been lightly sweating As I wandered around the town But I soon felt the breeze Grey and then cool gathering pace Against the ancient stone walls I could taste the imminent storm Which was darkening the narrow streets And sending the […]

  • le radeau de la méduse

    Adrift beached on an empty wasteland The catamaran soon broke up Scattering sections of her splendour wide She was quite dead and was being consumed By the exiles and the creatures of the coast Yet there was no account of the crew I looked out into the sea of silver dreams Which remained at peace […]

  • An Earthly Paradise for the Eyes

    I am living in an earthly paradise for the eyes Everything that surrounds me is so very beautiful To celebrate my solitude I complete watercolours And send them to my friends with assurances Of my safety and good fortune here in my rural paradise

  • Famous

    I do not want to be famous I have never wanted to be famous As it bores me Occasionally When out driving I might cross The Bridges of Recognition I will be philosophical About this as one Has to cross bridges To get to the other side But as soon as I arrive I will […]

  • Nothing Belongs to Me

    Invite a SINNER To DINNER And you will be on to A WINNER The stars will GLIMMER And then grow DIMMER As the air becomes THINNER I am a BEGINNER So please ignore me As I will not amount to much

  • Wilderness

    I am now totally obsolete Nothing thrives in me Ignore this poem As it is stolen property

  • Sinner

    I sin all the time My thoughts are Really quite violent Although my actions Are more mured Only God Holds the key It is better this way