Category: Uncategorized

  • Being There

    I am part of a team That looks after The railway tracks It is a very important job And a very dangerous job With strict safety protocols Firmly in place We have to be there As will cannot repair The tracks remotely Alertness is the key A few weeks ago A young lady Who was […]

  • New Poem

    My Red Setter Comes from a common background It is very bolshie And appears uneducated But behaves well In good company Joe I am stuck in a hotel room And as normal cannot sleep So I wrote this poem on a napkin Would you like me To send it two ewe Lizzie

  • Berlin is in Stoke

    Attending The Display of Flowers Awards I was in Berlin A coiple of daus ago e Tp receove my poixe Fouyr thid poeme

  • The Canterbury Poems

    I have yet to write these poems Or maybe I already have This city haunts me As no other city does

  • The Tangerine Tree

    We had but one tree in our urban garden When I was a small boy I used to sit in its shade On hot summer days And watch the trains pass by

  • Kill the Fire Watchers

    Roger watched as the city burned He listened to the imprisoned screams Whilst peeling a ripe tangerine Hell was suggested to him But the angel soon faded Leaving only the acrid air Which was slowly choking him

  • Postcards After Breakfast

    Joe I am in Rye in East Sussex The sun is high and the air is warm What a beautiful town it is But within an hour of arriving here I heard something so ridiculous That it made me smile There was a rather large woman at the next table Who announced that she was disabled […]

  • Medicine

    Sephine You are a very bad girl Just because you like a toy Does not mean that you can own it Thank you for my photograph I will keep it in velvet box A gift deserves a gift I am sorry to hear that you are poorly By the time you read this Your medicines […]

  • Swimming Pool

    Joe I have a heavy cold at present And am feeling shitty My way of dealing with this Is to listen to my favourite songs Swimming Pool by Marie Madeleine Is one of my happiest summer songs It was released some years ago And as the title suggests It is set in and near a […]

  • Cora and Joe

    Joe I visited the CCX Road today It was rather interesting I visited the bookshops you recommended Did you purchase anything I purchased only one book That being An Anthology of Pre-Raphaelite Poetry I did not know you were interested in that period As you know I find Victorian poetry rather complex It is very […]