Category: Uncategorized

  • Joe in a Pastel City

    I am in a pastel city It is the most beautiful place There is no crime No ugliness Everybody is happy Nobody is perverse Only nuclear families exist We all believe in God There are no shadows To spoil the pastel shades Everything is in the light The sun never sets Except when it has […]

  • Joe in Wonderland

    Joe is in Wonderland He does not know why So he just accepts it And does not Question his considerable fortune

  • La Bete Dort

    I was called La Bête Dort Because of my height I had a great deal of body hair Which added to the legend I was so tall that I could not stretch In the tiny bath or with any of my flatmates They would come into the bathroom To either shit or piss or just […]

  • Stephen en Vee

    I watched as a couple walked slowly Along the sun dappled platform They were happy and totally oblivious Of the story of the screaming girl Who is said to haunt this station Searching for the lost coin of her youth Which was taken from her on her last bed She has never been seen But […]

  • High Winds in Walmer

    As normal the light was incredible Almost mystical over the silver sea Yet the winds were quite brutal A violence that I did not understand These were the Dog Days of Summer Or so I was comfortably told

  • Granite Red & Grey (N) a Pole on

    Dope Today is a very windy July day Gusts have exceeded fifty Miles per Hour In all it is very season un weather al During my ewalk to a lost castle (-e) I found two pieces of Granite Red & Grey This made me very happy I was a very happy foot soldier But my […]

  • The Atlantic Ocean

    I have always noted That I will commit suicide One day when I am grey Of mind or if my thoughts Are so blind that nothing new Retires from my pen As it will be then and only then That I will open my wrists And daub my final poem On the standard walls Of […]

  • The History of Egg Timers

    Past Present Future The History of Ghosts Time is Fluid

  • Love Love

    I am currently reading a book Of Russian Verse And cannot help But notice The brief flames Of some Of the Twentieth Century Lives

  • Martin

    I have a friend named Martin Who is a rare creature He is my intellectual equal But unlike me he is small And looks rather weak Sadly this means That he is prone to being bullied Yet when this happens He destroys his opponents With his astonishing intellect I have watched him in action As […]