Category: Uncategorized

  • Flowers of the Valley

    I once lived in an area of outstanding flowers  Each more beautiful than its neighbour  My favourite was the Caron Jane  I loved her colour and the perfumes she shared  Today is her gentle day which I will celebrate  As we stroll through our velvet fields together 

  • The Gent from Kent

    Richard Squires travelled up from Kent Twice a week on alternative days He had a small import/export business Which was a front for his shady dealings Richard did not actually live in Kent But in Sussex in a raised town not far from Rye He actually commuted from Ashford Which helped him as when the […]

  • Words that Kill

    I have noticed of late That people often refer to words Using the first letter Such as the S word Or the R word Indeed Conrad’s famous novel Was called The N Word of the Narcissus In the USA Which is absolutely absurd So I close with this advice G Word up and F Word […]

  • Silly Boy goes Shopping

    After he broke up with Maureen the Crane Fly Silly Boy felt suicidal He tried jumping from packets of cigarettes And bags of loose tobacco But only became addicted to snuff movies Which confused him As nobody used snuff I suggested that he should try Beachy Head Which he did But as normal became confused […]

  • Elephantine

    Was employed as a life model I often drew her when I was at college Elephantine was born in From Essen And although we are not attracted to each other We have set up a studio together Which is rather successful It is called Studio Elephantine We live together in a nice loft And often […]

  • 2CV

    There is a camel standing next To my Citroen 2CV It is wearing An African Death Mask Which has alarmed Batman and his passengers

  • Arthur the Samaritan

    Arthur do you know what time it I do not feel well Mum Let me sleep Do not be such a wimp Really look I have shit the bed It has melted my bot water bottle You are faking it Really what will the neighbours think A son of mine pretending to be sick I […]

  • Red Hues

    The night sky was vaguely red I did not notice it at first But guessed at the mathematics As its geography was rare Carmine Cerise joined me In our field of dreams We stood next to each other Not wanting to risk The chance of sleep As we knew that it was near

  • Edward Moly

    From his chair Edward could see the evening fading It was a strange mix of orange white and lilac clouds

  • Secretive Violet

    You hide in the shadows Away from the other colours Blush Pink Brash Red Blue Yellow Green