Category: Uncategorized

  • A Melting Clock

    Joe Yes Is the clock ticking Yes Why Because I replaced the battery You have said it is ticking I am aware of what I said How close are we to midnight Very close How would you reverse this I would remove the battery Do you blame anybody in particular I do Then who would […]

  • Josie chats to Joe

    Joe Josie Are you still in love with Virginia She is the most beautiful girl in Richmond Virginia has a pen to die for A question Forty Two Are you attracted to Sephine Jealous Fuck off Joe She is very attracted to you I normally insult her She weeps It is a cleansing process I […]

  • Josie being a right bitch

    I touch on Joe’s comments about the way certain people in government are dressed and groomed by two way donors Like him I totally disagree with these favours They are obscene Whether red or blue It is just so wrong If I was in government as the minister for mad girls I would fuck off […]

  • Orphan

    Orphan May I sit on your bed Hold your newborn To your breast We are sisters

  • or han

    gr y orphan I can hea your fever d scre ms you are trap ed aba oned in a spr al

  • Madame Chrysanthème

    Joe Josie What are you doing Talking to you Then do not be loud As Cora is now asleep That wretched cold She has told me That she rarely gets colds in Greece This fucking country sis It is contaminated It never used to be contaminated Soapbox Joe I can feel one of your moods […]

  • Madame Butterfly

    I often dream about Madame Butterfly But know for a fact That she does not dream about me

  • Ground Control to Captain Joe

    Joe As you know many self important politicians Are sponsored by him and her I would like to think This is done out of love And not to gain favour I will dress them in my own image And betray them In the Gethsemane Garden When the time is right They attend prestigious events Whist ordinary […]

  • An Accidental Poem

    InboxSearch for all messages with label InboxRemove label Inbox from this conversationThis is the conversation

  • Olivia Rodrigo

    I was on a beach in another town When I received a message From my daughter It was quite simple Olivia Rodrigo was playing Under the pier Not far from Where the deckchairs were stored And would I film her two song performance Which I did an hour or so later I sent my short […]