Category: Uncategorized

  • Rabbits

    Are rabbits real to you Yes I only dream about rabbits Why Because I hate reality

  • Reality

    My parents were married On this day in 1950 I hate this day Why Because I like to dream But now I am faced With nothing but reality

  • Bath

    Would you like to dance I have not danced For so many years Neither have I Why now I am not sure It just feels right Bath does that to you

  • Ticok & Fanny

    Your somewhat aberrant behaviour Requires an explanation Fanny Why I was only expressing what I felt You stamped on the sandcastle The child was quite upset This child had just killed a crab I rather like crabs Arthur Was it cannibalism Not exactly I cannot be sure Here is the description of cannibalism It was […]

  • Moral Tale

    I saw the au pair’s bare bottom this morning It was a complete accident as I had forgotten my briefcase And had returned to our Highgate house My briefcase was waiting for me on the dining table I then popped into the nursery once again to say goodbye to Gordon Valencia was bending over his […]

  • Lecture Joe

    It appears that many people Suffer from mental health problems But do they suffer or are they blind To the great beauty of the world I am frequently told that I suffer And after reading the shit that I write I can see how this conclusion is reached But I disagree with them as I […]

  • An Orchard Without Apples

    I have a large orchard So populated with trees That I have problems In harvesting the views beyond I should have become a rich man With these fruits at my disposal But never have I seen Or even picked for pleasure A solitary red apple hanging

  • On a Trip to India

    On a trip to India some years ago A mystic quite seriously told me That one cannot drown on dry land I have yet to really work that one out

  • June 22nd

    It is the day after The Longest Day I have decided To bake a cake I have only used One ingredient Kindness I have put Kindness in my Cake

  • The Scented Garden

    Only ash Just ash Which I keep In glass jars On my Shelf of Light It is no longer Perfumed