Category: Uncategorized

  • Deckchairs

    Do you know that Wittgenstein encouraged His students to sit in deckchairs during his lectures No Should I know that It is not common knowledge Would you have sat in a deckchair During one of my lectures Yes but you invited us to bring any type of chair Not just deckchairs Did you bring a […]

  • Bus Stop Chats

    What are you reading Geraldine A Tragic Love It is a book about Julien and Marguerite de Ravalet I cannot say that I have heard of them Not many people have They were an incestuous brother and sister of high birth who were executed for their crimes How dreadful Julien was twenty-one and Marguerite was […]

  • Outside of Time

    You are violent in your inertia Joe You will not find me easily As I exist outside of time Let us part before I hurt you Just close your eyes And I will leave

  • Kind Stone Mansions

    Glory to the Kind Stone Mansions For one day I will write many hymns Within these strong walls Until then I will just exist With my eyes Tightly closed

  • French Leave

    My father was an English Landscape Artist But I did not inherit his talent So I decided to move to Southern France And become a French Landscape Artist

  • The Mothers of Kent

    During my summer visits to Kent villages I often see rural mothers And their rural children Drifting Quietly Along the ancient roads They are full of a happiness A great happiness That my pen cannot fully describe

  • Kent Churches

    I often visit Kent churches On hot summer days And rest in churchyards I read poetry and enjoy refreshments Yet I feel that I am not alone

  • White Privilege

    I had returned from my enforced absence To travel once again in my beautiful county I wanted to explore the warmth of summer days And find out why these deep country lanes Resonated so much with my privileged eye My head was swimming with words I wanted to capture the essence Of what was before […]

  • The Coal Dust Haunting

    The goods shed at Hamlet Railway Station was built in 1894 And from its early days was quite busy as it handled bags of the new coal Which came from the K Phillips company in John Johnson It was a slow burning fuel which was very popular Then it was found to contain dangerous chemicals […]

  • June Sandwich

    Strange Barbican Strange Bridge Reveal your histories to me June Sandwich June Sandwich As I am curious to learn More about your recent past