Category: Uncategorized

  • In a Fish Restaurant

    I like this Just this This and nothing else

  • The Woman by the Pool

    I had been employed to clean swimming pools It was a very relaxed occupation I used a large net to remove the organic debris And then would dispose of the sacks elsewhere Usually I was on my own but occasionally The owners and their guests stayed in the pool area It did not matter to […]

  • My Sister Josephine

    My sister is very beautiful And I am proud To say that she is my sister Many think that she is my wife Which flatters me As I do not have all of her gifts If Josie does have a fault Then it is her peacock ways As she likes to be seen And her […]

  • Ce Matin

    Bravo Florida Bravo Kentucky Do you like it Josie Yes I love the colours But I do not have a clue about its meaning It does not have a meaning Really The artist in his notes Described its odd title As being quite simple As he lived in both these states During his childhood years […]

  • Let the Blush Soften your Dreams Joe

    My cousin said as she passed me In the street of my gentle town It was a summer morning And the light was changing From its brittle chill To a moderate softness The air although feeling sharp Was becoming smooth to the touch The cooler months were ending And a happiness was welling up inside […]

  • The Mountaineer

    They found Alan Alan dead in his hotel bed He had always wanted to be a mountaineer But he had a club foot which disabled him So he would dream of climbing the greatest peaks Sadly during one of these dreams he suffered a fall And died in his dream without leaving this room

  • Le Suicide d’Ophelie 

    The desolation of Flowers The desolation of Trees The desolation of Kings The desolation of Love The desolation of God Abandon me

  • guerre rouge et noir

    ordre de mobilisation pour la guerre a scruffy slip of paper age stained and ragged found in a book of poetry my knowledge ends here

  • La Dame des Ombres

    She sits Opposite me As I write Half hidden Only I can See her clearly

  • Accident (16th arrondissement of Paris)

    I fell off my bicycle A few days ago And injured my back It will repair in time But for the present I am confined To my apartment In the 16th arrondissement Fire is my biggest worry As I find it painful to move My sister Lou will arrive in a hour To cook for […]