Category: Uncategorized

  • The Dry Smile

    I always know when you Are pleased with me Due to shape of your lips You are also betrayed By the way you tilt your head

  • Charles of the Ritz

    The quintessential Renoir image Is a summers day Pretty girls Wholesome food In a relaxed country setting I have taken these words From an advertisement promoting Charles of the Ritz Why you may ask Am I sharing this with you That is an easy question to answer As the model in the red dress Holding […]

  • Fin Mai Debut Juin

    I am now enjoying The ninth hour of the day It has been light since four The trees are heavy And the colours are rich There is a deep happiness in the air That does not exist during the darker months People are free and absolved of their worries My sea is kind blue and […]

  • Hot Dry Days

    We should water the plants Before the sun is high These are the Hot Dry Days And we must remember to dampen Our beautiful perfumed garden

  • Nada

    I was standing in a lane in Marlborough You were travelling on the Telford train We were chatting on the phone I was missing you and you were missing me We were miles apart but were hugging each other You promised to send me a selfie from your hotel room I promised to write you […]

  • Joe and Josephine

    What is your favourite part of the woman Joe The brain Funny Joe Do you like her boobs or her cunt or are you an arse man I am an arse man I thought you were Why Because you always look at my arse You have a nice bum Not too skinny and not too […]

  • Summer Heat

    I was stretched out on the spare bed Pretending to be asleep But I was watching you move around my studio My sketches some good and some without talent Were spread out all over the cool stone floor I could see that you rather liked some of them So I stood up startling you slightly […]

  • Story

    I was on a train some years ago Where In Iceland When a couple of women Began a conversation As this was my first time in Iceland I began to listen to them Where are you from I am Icelandic But I have lived in Kuwait for a number of years Was their conversation interesting […]

  • Anada

    Many years ago I saw a movie That was set next to a wide river It told a simple story A beautiful women is pulled From the waters half dead But she is nursed back to life And although seemingly innocent She drives a fisherman towards madness It was a dreamlike movie Which left a […]

  • Kingsdown Football Team 1917

    The conflict has just a year to run And with luck you will remain at home A pandemic is however not far from these shores Which in its way will be worse than the war But you loved the beautiful game Which is a comfortable memory for me As I once many years later chased […]