Category: Uncategorized

  • Villon

    In the thirtieth year of my life When I drank up all my shame Please print this on my calling card As I want to elicit a response

  • Love

    Jane and I were sitting next to a small river yesterday We were idly watching the infrequent punts pass by Most carried the usual loads of tourists looking bored But one attracted my attention as it had but a single passenger A girl of tender years wearing a green summer dress She was accompanied by […]

  • Gazelle

    St Augustine’s is a very interesting place to visit But it is not disposed to those with movement difficulties People in wheelchairs would be better off on Everest I am an agile chap and my nickname is Gazelle But even I stumbled occasionally over hidden stones After our visit Jane and I trotted around the […]

  • Confession

    I was strolling around a heritage site yesterday When I stole a small stone from near an archbishops grave I was told that I would be cursed for my dishonesty And expected to be run over by a bus within the hour But nothing happened at all I was not even vaguely punished About an […]

  • Stephen Hero

    I am reading a book whose main character Is named Stephen Hero I wonder if my lovely wife Is related to him She has often spoken Of a lost brother

  • Park Ken

    Park Ken runs a launderette Which is opposite the Spire He is a man of middle years Who lives his beautiful wife Her name is Harriet Hero She is a world famous architect Who helps to restore derelict churches There are many in this dreadful town

  • Not Since the War

    Jane and I visited St Augustine’s Abbey today It was a fine clear day with a high white sun The ruins of the abbey possessed a tranquillity That I had not really experienced before But what I really enjoyed were the fine views Of the cathedral which were quite stunning

  • The Nigger of the Narcissus & Typhoon

    I was on holiday with Egg Julie and Bizzy Lizzy As normal we were in deepest Kent We were swimming in Meek Creek Or at least my dear friends were I had been told to stay in port As I had an infected foot I was reading The Nigger of the Narcissus And would later […]

  • Moon and Sunset

    The day had faded almost without theatre But the crimson hues hinted at its declining beauty I wandered into my evening garden barefoot And felt the coolness of the dry air A plane was crossing the sky leaving a thin trail It could be seen as it travelled towards the moon But I could not […]

  • Nothing Happens

    The windows are now crowded The sweet smell of moss The sour smell of red roses The passions of the cross