Category: Uncategorized

  • Letter to the Sea

    You are a true friend Thank You

  • The Lion Sleeps Tonight

    Hi Joe Clive and I have just returned from the Cotswolds What a beautiful region it is It is so very English This was very much a working holiday So I had to keep up with the news Most of it was quite dreadful And I am not talking about Oasis reforming Still the tickets […]

  • Red Flag

    Joe I have a poster dating from the early seventies It shows an attractive girl draped within a Soviet flag Although she is not naked she appears to be In its past life it is likely to have adorned a wall In a filthy bedsit full of failed revolutionaries It is a curiosity from a […]

  • High Tide

    Gail You are cordially invited to meet Josie Cora and myself Outside of the White X pub Either wear no shoes Or be prepared to remove them As this is the pub that floods At high tide the beer garden Becomes part of the River Thames The staff change into wellingtons And bring drinks from […]

  • One Hundred Lizards

    When I was very young My mother owned A luxurious fur coat I spent many of my early years Wondering which animals had died So that my mother might keep warm During the dark cold months One hundred lizards Just one hundred lizards Had been combined To make this coat Which surprised me As I […]

  • My Summer with Albine / Mon été avec Albine

    I have always been attracted to country girls Possibly because I was a country lad and understood country ways There is something simple pale and fresh about them When I was a schoolboy I often swam quite naked With many of the girls from my village including my sister It was quite a natural thing […]

  • Soap Opera

    Josie I just saw Joe in Mario’s Did he wave He did not see me Cora was very subtle Why He was sitting with a beautiful blonde girl Were they close She was That would be Sephine She had the misfortune to interview him Is she a journalist We know her family She went to […]

  • Joe & Sephine

    Interview Joe How are you Joe I am good You The same I love your green dress Thank you Joe It is nice that it comes from a fashionista Joe Are you really happy Not at present I am happy but not happy What makes you unhappy The state of the world It is being […]

  • Florentine

    Why are you still in bed Florentine You sleep a great deal I am up at the crack of dawn Because I cannot be hit by a train If I stay in my bed What are those Car headlights Drivers use them at night To ensure a safe journey How fascinating What are you reading […]

  • Sleep

    Would you like to come to an orgy Martha Not really Claude although I find you attractive Most of my girlfriends do I am a popular girl Why do you have only one book In your bookcase Because I only have one bookcase May I look at your book Please do Who is Simone de […]