Category: Uncategorized

  • Lady Caroline Lamb

    I’m mad/That’s bad/I’m sad

  • The Sins of the Careless

    can result in a lifetime of shame

  • Children of the Mist

    The Children of the Mist can be found in most villages

  • A Village in South Devon

    Dearest Jane I hope this finds you well and that Sally is looking after you Or rather you are looking after Sally As you can guess I have arrived at my parents house And have been rewarded by their continuing fine health In the eight years since I was last here the village has changed […]

  • A Ring Three Stones and a Plastic Pig

    You made me a beautiful ring Out of pipe cleaners On the outward journey down Blue green Blue green Blue green In a gift shop at the railway station I purchased three plastic animals for you A horse a cow and a suckling pig You chose numbers one and two And I retained the third […]

  • The Silver State

    My met a girl called Cassie When swimming in the sea She told me she was from Nevada And this was the reason That she loved swimming In the wild silver waters of Pauline Bay

  • A World full of Sorrowful Songs

    I spent the final day of my vacation In a small coastal village The sun was warm May warm But there was a cool breeze Which added a bleakness To a quite acceptable day I will miss this area when I leave But I would not choose to live here

  • Sairshee Hosst and Exhaust

    A neighbour of mine has three dogs Sairshee Hosst and Exhaust They are large dogs But I am unsure of the breeds My neighbour lives in Slapton Whereas I live in Rye

  • My First Lover

    And over the vessels side she looked At the swimmer in the sea Come down come down come swim with me Said a youth of tender years The water is warm and the current kind And I will watch you when you dive

  • Kingsbridge Bus Station (3)

    The Farmers Market is in full swing Although I cannot see any farmers They are long gone but the name has been retained I look at my complicated watch It is 13:23 Today is Saturday The 29th of April 2023