Category: Uncategorized

  • Kingsbridge Bus Station (2)

    I am alone at the bus station It seems that nobody want to travel There are three unmanned buses Not in Service Not in Service Not in Service Their drivers are nowhere to be seen (It is a demanding job and they need their breaks) The elderly couple have returned to an unknown house Still […]

  • Kingsbridge Bus Station

    I have just arrived in Kingsbridge It is a tidy town that sits on an estuary And is pleasing to the eye The bus station is a little unusual As it displays a history of itself In a series of historic photographs Whilst there I met an elderly couple Ken and Katie May Who had […]

  • Joe

    Collecting Pronouns I used to belong to a stamp collectors club which was great fun but highly impractical due to the high winds that we get down here by the sea. Each time somebody opened the door the stamps were blown everywhere with some being found as far away as Belgium and France. This upset […]

  • Torcross Stores

    Even the postbox has been abandoned No longer will it be used I was sad to see this village shop go As I had many happy memories of it It is now a pop up fitness studio Which is a bit of a waste Although the stores are remembered Fondly on the local bus timetables

  • Cat Story

    A woman once exhumed her dead cat As she thought it had been poisoned She asked a vet to carry out an autopsy This is my favourite cat story

  • Thought

    My grandfather belonged to the Nazi Party It does not bother me As he had his reasons Who am I to question him We must concentrate on the future

  • Thought

    Who cares if my family once owned slaves It does not bother me As they had their reasons We must concentrate on the future History should not haunt us

  • Thought

    I expect nothing I receive nothing I am nothing

  • Thought

    One never really owns the present You merely look after it For the next generation And shield it from its recent histories

  • Thought

    I deny everything And nothing