Category: Uncategorized

  • A Walnut and a Crow

    I am travelling on a train tomorrow With a walnut and a crow I have already purchased my ticket But there were no tickets for the boys Just toys and sweets and toys Where are you going SMO I am going away SMO is going away

  • Drifter

    I once spoke to a walnut And he referred me to a crow I asked about travelling alone And was told that it was generally safe But it depended on where I chose to go

  • Cannon Fodder

    This war is getting odder Said the walnut to the crow

  • Willoughby Leaving

    Nichols grieving John gone Am I next I ask Will I be killed In action As the last shell Missed me By a fraction

  • Pacifist or King

    I am neutral Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring

  • China Town

    A casual remark A fleeting glace A jealousy A gunshot In the night

  • Laura Knight

    We are here to learn both light and dark Black shows up the white Purple enhances yellow Rough gives value to the smooth Always paint in the plain air As the light is far more honest And the colours more vivid

  • Laura Knight

    The light here in Cornwall is quite fine It is the equal of Venice Please do not remember me As these are not my words They originated elsewhere

  • Sin

    About thirty years ago I foolishly let my then husband take some pornographic photographs of me My instincts told me not do do so at the time but I did not want to seem stuffy to the man I thought I loved Richard assured me that he would develop them himself and keep no copies […]

  • Holiday Memories (Samurai) Part Two

    Coming soon Showing Now Daily at 7:45 Matinees Wednesday and Saturday Samurai My name is Joe Samurai is still in prison Your previous story was made into a movie It was very successful A sleeper Low budget Lots of female flesh Beavers and all A sure winner I used to work with Mandy on the […]