Category: Uncategorized

  • Just a Tee Shirt

    You have a habit of walking around our flat Wearing just a tee shirt before you retire I find this very off putting when writing Memo to Self Buy Jane a pair of pajamas tomorrow So that you might complete This wretched poem

  • Do Sharks Believe in God

    Shipwreck Clinging to a sinking Piece of driftwood The sharks are circling I am praying very hard And hope that the sharks Have retained their faith

  • The Poet Masefield

    Do not criticise what you cannot understand What are you doing Listening to Dylan You Listening to Dylan

  • The Peter and Paul

    It is my moral duty To say that I am Heavy with Child Whether I am guilty or not Is of no importance As my foetus is innocent

  • Killed with Kindness

    I am hiding out in a hotel room High above a celebrating city The cops are searching for me As I am an ny assassin I have registered under my favourite alias F Anny Kaplan But the authorities are dumb I will not be caught As unlike other assassins I do not use guns or […]

  • The Greatest Footballer

    This is not going to be a long piece Why should it be In short during the final months of the war I had rescued a wounded footballer As he stumbled towards the enemy lines Another rake of machine gun fire Would have finished him off He had been shot just above the knee And […]

  • The Three Legged Mare

    I am standing where Dick Turpin Was executed In 1739 A blue bus Has just passed by Tyburn York Tyburn York Tyburn York Three Brothers Were aboard The blue bus I am having dinner With them This evening

  • Sparkle Blue

    Is that your real name Yes Why did you kill the minister Because Rory Red Was in Bed What was your reasoning I am an existentialist Even though my name is Sparkle Blue Are you a pony No a sea horse Why did you do it Because Mr Full of Holes Was corrupt A liar […]

  • Existentialists in a Jar

    Interview Good Morning Stuart Good Morning Maureen Mo It says Maureen on your badge I prefer to be called Mo That is strange as I prefer to be called SMO Those are your initials So they are I think we have connected I believe we have May I ask you a question Yes Are you […]

  • North London

    I was in North London today sitting on a bench When I saw a very beautiful woman Wearing a white blouseAnd a short brown skirt She smiled at me I smiled back She was carrying a book of my poetry And asked me to sign it I agreed but only if she would sign my […]