Category: Uncategorized

  • Edison

    I live in a village named Edison It is the oldest village in the country Christ is said to have walked our hills And this has been widely celebrated In both music and in poetry Yet my home village remains sleepy As if it is trapped in an eternal dream

  • Green Tree Magnolia Shadow

    I am in an urban field full of trees Football matches are played here The goalposts are standing Penny Each Rusting White All the pitches are marked for play It is a bright day with a cool breeze Or a cool day with a bright breeze It is your choice not mine I am aware […]

  • Sissinghurst

    I can see the two towers High above the full trees How splendid they are There are always sheep nearby So many sheep In these green fields turning gold How I miss these English summers When I am overseas I miss the music of the rural birds And the colours of nature’s palette God’s greatest […]

  • Flambards

    Summers were spent Doing little Lazy days Walks Swims Passions Love So much Love These were our Flambard Summers

  • Sea Song

    I chose to live by the sea So that I might enjoy Periods of reflection and thought But if anything my life became busier I had nearly finished my fifth book But could not decide on an ending That was until the day I met Amanda Birdcircle Who was a guest at a nearby wedding […]

  • Glowing Cat

    My cat is glowing in the garden This puzzles me As I do not own a cat

  • A Danish Short Movie

    I make short films The shorter the better At present I am in Denmark Shooting a movie About a girl opening A packet of sugar It will last three minutes And will be shown at the Half Cinema As part of the Broadstairs Film Festival On the 6th of June 2023 at 20:23

  • A Book Of Poetry

    Did you buy that book today Jack Yes It looks old It was published in 1918 Is it worth much At a guess about sixty pounds Where did you find it In Oxfam Books You did not pay sixty pounds for it No How much did you pay for it Why are you so interested […]

  • Shark

    What is this Jack A notebook I can see that I will write my notes in it What notes Ideas for my poems It has a cartoon on it A shark I think It is a shark Marie Elena Why a shark Because they had run out of dolphins

  • Max Miller

    Why are you laughing Jack I am not laughing Yes you are I am listening to Max Miller Max Miller who is Max Miller A comedian Would he amuse me What do you find funny Marie Elena I am not sure it depends on the moment You laughed when I fell off of the jetty […]