Category: Uncategorized

  • Tiger Skin

    Why are dressed like that Jack Dressed like what Dressed like that Are you trying to look younger No and I do not like your tone You are wearing leather jacket A cap and a pair of shades I did not even even know you that owned them Can I take a photograph of you […]

  • Girl With Dog

    Coach from the North Northamptonshire Girl with a Dog Late Summer Afternoon

  • The Large Enclosure near Dresden

    The curved space used by the artist Creates an illusion of distance This in turn adds to a feeling of mystery It is a painting of a flat estuary With the waters in the foreground Creating an unusual perspective I visited this area some years ago As I have always been fascinated by horizons My […]

  • Rebecca du Pond

    When I lived in Henley My neighbour was named Rebecca Rebecca du Pond She was very much a Henley Girl Well spoken and immaculate In both behaviour and dress I now live in Australia And often think of Rebecca When I am in the badlands In search of Burke and Wills My name is John […]

  • Romane Bohringer Saved My Life

    Hello Peter Hello Peter How are you The field is quite chilly But they have not shaved my coat I have been depressed But now I am okay Okay Yes Are you still depressed No I am okay But it was not like that last month Really I contemplated suicide Did you take poison No […]

  • Interview No 496

    28/06/2023 Hello Anna what is your name Hello Anna Hello Anna Yes Not really Anna is my last name As Hello is a common name in Colchester Ewally You have spelt that incorrectly No I have spelt it Ewally It should be really Thank you As I said I was born in Colchester and from […]

  • The Living and the Dead

    Today I visited a redundant church It was closed nearly fifty years ago But has found another life since then In the main it showcases arts and crafts Which are sold to benefit the community God would have approved of its use My attention was however gathered By a white cotton dress red rural and […]

  • Coffee with Celine

    I have never voted in my life I have always known and understood That the idiots are in the majority So it is certain that they will win I have no interest in politics But people interest me When I say people I mean People who roughly agree with me I hate those who disagree […]

  • The Zing Clip Hotel

    The Zing Clip Hotel is situated in the Docklands Having been built in the 1984 as part of an initiative To improve the dereliction in this neglected area It did not really work as the area was still quite fragmented Gangs of Punks roamed around in their shabby boiler suits It was like something out […]

  • Interiors

    Have you ever visited the interior Your own interior It is not something That I recommend As one might see things Best forgotten Or open boxes That should have remained sealed I often visit my interior But do not always return