Category: Uncategorized

  • Ophelia (The Meaning of Flowers)

    Daisy – Innocence Rose – Youth and Beauty Pansy – Love in Vain Forget me Not – Remembrance Violets – Faithfulness Poppy – Death The distraught Ophelia sinks beneath the waterwith her eyes wide open

  • Erotic Poem

    I am sitting in a comfortable chair Watching myself making love to my wife Her name is Maya and she is smaller than me She is sitting on my thighs with her legs apart Moving with a rhythm as her pleasure takes her Our love making is almost silent and very gentle Maya has a […]

  • Naked

    I lined up nine semi-precious stones There should have been twelve But my dream ended prematurely Edith was wearing a skimpy white vest That was not suitable for the workplace As she leaned forward I could see her breasts Climate change has a lot to answer for My name is Sandra but people call me […]

  • Coffee Blue

    Coffee Blue is situated On the corner of West Reed Street And Thomas Telford Road I often enjoy a coffee there Sitting in my normal window seat The poem that you are now reading Was written there and now hangs Next to the huge Yves Klein poster This is why the coffee bar Was named […]

  • Sluggish Sunday

    You can have all the riches in the world But boredom can eat away at your very soul Are you bored Stan No We have a nice apartment here in London In a way we lead the lives we want We work hard We travel hard My sister is in Egypt at present The temperature […]

  • I Shit on Marxism

    I Shit on Marxism I shit on politics I am not a political animal I write my poems On used bog paper For you to read on humid hot days Conclusion My Poetry is Shit The revolution has not ended It has never taken place The only useful revolutionary acts Can be witnessed in the […]

  • Absinthe

    My sister once painted her arse green And rode through our town on a green bicycle (it was a red bicycle so make up your own mind) I enquired of her actions arse and face It is all about honour she explained to me As we shared a green bottle looking out to sea

  • Lugne Poe

    A painter lost in the midst of actors A poet lost in the midst of painters A writer lost in a sea of words The Theatre of Cruelty The Theatre of Kindness Only one of these is correct The others are my lies Or they may be truthful Today I purchased a red clown I […]

  • The Green Bicycle

    Did you see that woman on the green bicycle Which woman The one on the green bicycle Which bicycle The green bicycle The bus cut her up on the corner No You did You watched her arse all the way up the road What arse That arse Oh yes I think I remember her What […]

  • Assassins

    They just looked like an ordinary couple Very much in love and enjoying the day She was wearing a white cotton dress And her partner a pale green shirt and navy shorts It was a June day and the summer was heavy But not all was what it seemed to the innocent eye As both […]