Category: Uncategorized

  • Hate speeeeeeeeeeeeech

    Joe Regarding your question When I was growing up The term hate speech Did not exist The only time That I used hate speech Was when I said I hate kiver (liver) I really hate liver It is like eating a colostomy bag Did the police instead Of catching the bad guys Arrest me No […]

  • Red is Cool

    I assure you it is not Socialism is the politics of envy It is nothing else Have you noticed how controlling The government already is “You have to take the pain” Blame the abstract You only go on coach tours So we will take away the WFP Qu’ils mangent de la brioche Kafka Kafka Kafka […]

  • Nostalgia of the Infinite

    Stranded in an empty town Blank windows stare The watery sun Struggles to create the day

  • Okay Diamond Montreal

    You turned up during the storm Soaked to the skin I gave you my bed And slept in the spare room Reading topless Owl glasses perched Am I still asleep Coffee Butter and Toast Erotic Poems of Summer

  • Sauna

    I often share a sauna with my friends We talk about everything That there is to talk about My name is Ramsey And I am a graphic designer I have my latest poem Nostalgia of the Infinite Tattooed on my left shoulder This is my one and only tattoo

  • The Peaceful Nature of X J Williams

    This small town when rebuilt Was constructed using a rigid grid Which was unique for its time X John Williams ran the post office And had done so for a number of years On the evening of the 27th December 1936 He locked up the post office and retired for the day This was witnessed […]

  • Reflections of Nothingness

    Cora and I are going to marry later this year Is it too sudden I think not As we married on the first day we met Who is to be the wife we both tease each other We are both wives so why introduce the masculine Joe who does not care for homosexual men He […]

  • My Wife is Queer

    Cora and I went to the cinema We caught a recent French movie Translated its title was My Wife is Queer It is about a forty-five year old woman Who falls in love with her much younger secretary It is filmed like a graphic novel which was interesting It is intensely erotic without being explicit […]

  • Essays on Cinema

    How often do actors just stop and stare One is not watching a movie But a series of moments Recorded many years previously Artificial moments maybe But they were quite real then Interesting What do you think Tim Tim Tom Josie

  • The Golden Light of Late Summer

    Take four drops of peppermint oil A lemon and a pear Mix freely Pure water unfiltered Simmer for ten minutes In a pale blue kitchen facings south