Category: Uncategorized

  • The Blue Hour

    A question that I often hear asked Is what is the Blue Hour Does it exist or not The surprising thing Is that most of us without knowing Witness the Blue Hour twice a day It is the intense hour just after the sun rises And the final hour of the day just after the […]

  • Death Valley

    Talent hits a target no one else can hit Genius hits a target no one else can see I am sitting in Death Valley reading Schopenhauer It is so fucking hot People have told me that I am crazy Possibly But have they no idea who I am

  • TGV

    I never tire of meeting Spiders in lift shafts They are interesting creatures And help me to conquer My morbid fear of heights Between May and September I frequently travel through Europe Mainly using regional trains both fast and slow My favourite route is between Paris and Lyon As it gives me a good excuse […]

  • In Dreams are a Second Life

    I really believe this the poet is correct I often visit these strange places But am exiled as soon as I arrive Which leaves me at a disadvantage As I have no knowledge of my route I just arrive without prior announcement Into a world that is obviously not my own I exist and then […]

  • Homage et Moi

    I have supported Southampton for many years And attended our most recent game against Newcastle The only difference was that my French cousin accompanied me As her favourite footballer is Duje Caleta Car Sadly her hero was unfairly sent off during the match Which reduced her to tears and this angered me As Homage is […]

  • The Book of Job

    This is a truly beautiful place Stan It is one of those places that one imagines But does think exists in the world today I did not think that I would be walking Through the dust of peridots And the lake is amazing so incredibly translucent and green If one ever doubted God’s existence Then […]

  • The Green Lake

    You are such a mystery to me Stan Why Because you can be a complete shit one minute And so warm and loving the next minute Why to you say that Because of my advantage by the pool I absolutely hated you when you left me naked in the pool Nudity is not a big […]

  • Elsie’s Mysterious Friend

    Nature’s Boy Vertical Mathematics I am the Finest Cat

  • Lanzarote

    Do you think that she has nice boobs Stan Who That girl that you have been looking at since we arrived at the pool What girl Are we talking again Its seems so Are you still mad at me Why should I be mad at you You lock me out of the apartment stark naked […]

  • Betty

    I attended the first football international At the new Wembley On Friday the 1st of June 2007 England drew one all with Brazil I was attracted to a girl named Betty Who is exotic as I am plain Am I Gay or do I travel in time