Category: Uncategorized

  • in a time of autumn leaves 

    you were born  in a time  of autumn leaves  a time of white skies  and crisp golden shadows  you are a child of the tenth month  who inherited the beauty of the world 

  • Tender is the Night

    I was sitting on a speaking seat  Not far from a crazy clock reading Tender is the Night  As I always did  When the days were fair On this high promenade  You asked me about Nicolas Hawksmoor  And about the colourful beach huts below  I knew nothing of these silent mysteries We shared a slow […]

  • La Sauvage Elisabeth

    I found Elisabeth Olsen sleeping  In the Church of the Unknown Martyrs  This was quite commonplace  A typical behaviour  I believe that Elisabeth liked me  As when in the right mind  She could pass through all levels  Of polite and genteel society Yet I nearly always found her  Covered in mud wearing only a shift  Having […]

  • Dorchester

    On the 20th of July 1923 the Prince of Wales  Visited Dorchester and there met Thomas Hardy  This event was recorded in the diary of my grandfather  He also noted that on the morning of the royal visit  That he had dropped an ice cream cornet and a chocolate flake  Into the small goldfish pond at […]

  • Chidiock pronounced Chidik

    My prime of youth is but a frost of cares Who wrote that line Lola  Chidiock Tichborne It was the first line of an elegy that he wrote  Whilst awaiting execution in the Tower of London   What had he done to deserve such a fate  He had conspired with others to assassinate Queen Elizabeth the […]

  • Tower of London

    There are two people sitting on the beach  They are looking out to sea  One appears to have worked  In the Tower of London  Until recently  As he possesses  A well defined upper body strength  The other is a women possibly from Serbia  She is wearing a fluorescent pink shirt 

  • After the Service 

    I am sitting in a church porch  Waiting for the service to finish  It is not that I have abandoned my beliefs  I was just late in my arrival  The grey flagstones in front of me  Have been worn smooth with age  And are pleasant to look at and gently touch  Beyond the porch I […]

  • Unloved Unloved Unloved

    Today I found a photograph  Of a rose wisteria rose tunnel  It was taken on an October day    By the late poet John Claire  He called this photograph  My poetry descending into nothingness  This was his final poem 

  • A Nuclear Dream

    It was only a short dream  No longer than five minutes long  Yet it was terrified me  I was living on a hill above a city  When in the distance I saw a nuclear bomb explode at a thousand feet  As the city had been built in a volcanic basin  I knew that I had […]

  • Street Photographer

    This is interesting Jane  What is  This article in the newspaper  Read it to me  It is about an art installation in NYC  I am all ears  The French artist David Grieg has installed a section of sidewalk constructed totally of toughened mirrored glass in front of THE ACID GALLERY IN NEWYORK Interesting  Initially there […]