Category: Uncategorized

  • margate

    a candlestick from norwich  a milk jug from blackpool  both crested  a greek doll in a ceremonial costume still in its original cellophane  these were my purchases it was a bright warm day with a white light often breaking the high clouds  a strong south easterly breeze  carresseed the wide sands  i was collecting sea glass  […]

  • Objects in the Night

    I often play chess with Jane during the early hours  It is not that we cannot sleep but we love the silence  Of our beautiful house and our soft shadow possessions   Whether they be coastal teapots or rainbow prisms  Thimbles or glass clocks breathlessly ticking  They all rest quietly on the prince puzzle shelves  And then we […]

  • Trapped in Confusion

    12345679810 That is clear  ABCDEFGHIJKLNMOPQRSTVXYZ That is also clear to me  6×6 =66 I believe that is correct  So why am I feeling so rough today  An infection maybe  There are plenty about  Or is it that I see all the ills of the world  Trapped in a small snow globe  That still sits on my […]

  • My Brilliant Sailor 

    During my fever I lay in my fathers last bed  I was sweating from every pore  What a fever this was this was What a wonderful fever this was   I was soon aware that a giant  Had entered my room with a theatre  He was as naked as I was naked  I admired his massive body  He […]

  • Self Portraits in European Cities

    Whenever I am in a European City  I find time to photograph myself  Topless wearing only black jeans  In front of a friendly mirror  I send the results to boyfriend  He calls them Miranda’s Titties  In European Cities which annoys me  As he does not appreciate my art

  • A Tennis Court in the Moat 

    I visited a castle yesterday which once  Had a tennis court in the moat  I found no trace of this recreation  Queer parties were once held here  And there were rumours of flappers  Playing tennis wearing only pearls  Sailors and local boys were seduced  By those who should have known better It all ended in […]

  • Molly and the Captain

    Molly and the Captain is the name of a pub  On the Late West Green Harbour Arm It was built in the mid nineteenth century  And for many years was a fisherman’s pub  But as the industries declined in the town  It became the watering hole of the glitterati  Not much as changed as one […]

  • Magic Movie

    I had always planned  To make a Magic Movie  But never got around  To doing so which I regret  Yet I have shot this movie  Many times in my head  For my own entertainment  Which is comforting 

  • Woman Masturbating behind a Beautiful Spoon

    What do you think of this years show It is much like last years  Do you think that the people liked my landscape  It is the best in the room  Liar  If I had known that there were so many landscapes  I would have chosen a different subject  Yours is the best work here  It […]

  • Screaming Underwater 

    I often scream underwater Where I cannot be heard  It is a private performance  In the deep end of the pool  Nobody questions me  As nobody shares my pain  I enjoy the solitude