Category: Uncategorized

  • I Am Marina

    When I was little my favorite show was Stingray I feel in love with Marina  The reason was obvious  As I had seen her in La Verite and Le Mepris  At my local cinema  From that day forward  I loved the sea  And joined WASP  As soon as I was old enough  To do so without confusion  As […]

  • The Grey and The Red

    The bright facade of the garage  Contrasted with the slate grey sky  Red Gray Gray Red Red Gray  The rains were getting nearer  I had little time to spare As I searched for a newspaper 

  • Moon Parallel Venus 

    As I stood at my door waiting for my cat to call  I looked at the moon parallel venus parallel moon  How similar they were to my nearest streetlights

  • Cambridge Sisters 

    I have fallen for an older man  An American Cop  Ten years retired  He does not look his age  But his eyes are haunted  He has seen too much  Although I met him in Greece  This is not a holiday romance As he has insisted on time apart  So we might study our feelings  I […]

  • The Mouse Chronicles

    STAN  What’s wrong Jane  I have found a mouse in the house  You are a poet Jane  What  Mouse in the house it rhymes  Fuck Off Stan  Where is the mouse Jane  It’s here  Where is here  In the humane mouse trap  Wow that is a surprise as I baited it last night  There was […]

  • High Light (A Pugin Sunrise) 

    Hi Jane   I trust that you are having a nice day Something very odd happened to me at Reading Station this morning  As I alighted from my train I noticed a really beautiful sunrise above the Pugin church  It was as I was taking a photograph that I felt an unrewarded tear run down my […]

  • A meeting with my mother

    I had a dreamOf seagreen lightUpon your breastAnd unto night You came to meThe door unlockedMy dream no more For you were thereAll bright with smileMy mother dressedIn seagreen lightAnd yet I seeA little while You came to meWe met a againNo words were saidFor life thereafter No longer dead CMO

  • The Age of Obedient Ears

    Confucius once said that a man  Would have to wait until sixty years  Before his ears truly obeyed him I have often thought of this  Whilst hiding in the shadows  Of the setting south sun 

  • Moon Marigold Avenue

    I am walking down Moon Marigold Avenue  Where on a warm summer’s afternoon Two bandits came out of the sun  And needlessly opened fire on innocent civilians Amazingly nobody was killed  But the milkman found a bullet lodged in the heel of his boot When he returned from his round  That milkman was my father and […]

  • Margaret of the Gods 

    The mind has a thousand ways  To terminate a life  That has grown tired  And become meaningless  Margaret of the Gods  Sat by a railway track A train could be heard  In the far distance