Category: Uncategorized

  • Komedy Klub 2

    I like women’s football as much as the next guy  I take my kids down to see the Refuge Ladies every Sunday  The standard is shit but what more can you expect  It is like watching five years olds chase a ball in the dark   But there are other things that trouble me  White shorts  Why […]

  • Komedy Klub

    Do you know something  Yes I have problems too  It is sex  It confuses me  No not the holes  That is the easy part  At the last count there were only four  It is pissing  A quite ordinary thing  Rather boring if you think about it You spend the first twenty years of your life  […]

  • War is Kind

    Father tell me about the two world wars  There is nothing to tell as it is history spent  War is Kind  When you brush it  Into a dusty ditch 

  • The Photographer’s Wife 

    Stan  I trust that you are okay and are missing me like mad How is Lincoln  It is a splendid city  Thank you for lending me your railway book  Which is a fascinating read There is a photograph inside that I really relate to  It was taken on the 12th of July 1931 At the Golf […]

  • Nights of a Dreamer

    For days without fail  I walk around  As if in a haze  I am alert and functioning  But am quite distant  Life passes me by  Without argument  I cannot say  That I dislike  This arrangement Yet it is rather odd  I am amazed  By its strangeness And that it demands  So little of me 

  •  Bunty Hope  

    I once knew a girl at school  Here name was Bunty Hope  We were friends as we both loved  Poetry  But then she disappeared  Off of the radar  As her parents moved  To America  We kept in touch  For a while  And then our letters faded  I was in Flagstaff recently  Waiting for a train  […]

  • Wish You Were Here

    Jane  It is all about sharing your hotel room  With one’s fishing rod These are my Spanish memories  My sister is lying naked  On her bed as it is so hot here  She is farting a great deal  I am organising my flies  As I am off out soon  I fish at dawn  Then breakfast with […]

  • Classical Electronic

    Classical Electronic are a band  That mainly play in redundant churches  Molly Peter and Slam Sam  Are the three members of the group I am their manager  My name in Ian Allen  We are a popular group  But have yet to cut a record  We have plans to do so  After we return from Yelabuga […]

  • Train Accident

    About a year ago  I swapped seats  With another passenger  On a train  Which later derailed  The other passenger died  And I survived without injury  This incident still haunts me 

  • Canterbury White

    I travelled to Canterbury today  To meet you Cindy Bee  The intense white light  Had flooded the sky  And followed us all day  It was a relaxed and a constant companion  I was holding you naked in bed  When the earthquake struck  Our hotel room rattled and shook  You asked me to go to the […]