Category: Uncategorized

  • The Dictator’s Arse

    After much bribery and buggery  I now have my dream job  I am in charge of the dictator’s arse  I am in charge of what enters  And what leaves  It is a curiously satisfying occupation  As I supervise all the shit in and out  I take a personal pride in keeping these streets clean  My […]

  • Doris Norris

    Doris Norris  Loves Maurice  But is fucking  Boris  Who loves  Horace  The Roman Poet  So it  Is appropriate  That I include him  In this rhyme  This time 

  • Bitter Heart

    In the desertI saw a creature, naked, bestial,Who, squatting upon the ground,Held his heart in his hands,And ate of it.I said, “Is it good, friend?”“It is bitter—bitter,” he answered; “But I like it“Because it is bitter,“And because it is my heart. Who wrote this poem stan  Is it one of yours  No  Whose poem is […]

  • Track 61 

    There are many tracks and subways  Under New York City  But Track 61 is my favourite  I once worked with Andy down there And became familiar with the area  I displayed my yellow bottles on the platforms And for all I know they are still there  As my art was always disposable  Artist John

  • East Kent

    Here in East Kent  I am treated each day To the light spectacular  It varies from a bright white  To sunsets rich red  Blue orange mauve and green 

  • Deal Pier 

    I was on the pier today  As the sun was setting  And enjoyed a series  Of perfect moments 

  • Nothing Maud 

    When somebody upsets me  I just want to smash them  Like an egg under a hammer But then again why should they suffer  Just because of my hair trigger moods  I am sorry that you feel like that Maud  Have you thought why you react this way  Is your temper so deeply hidden  That you […]

  • Anna/Viola/Anna 

    Anna Anna and Viola are away travelling at present  They are not expected to return until March  Currently they are in Cambodia  An actress named Cleo is renting  The Green House  She is best known for her role in Cats 

  • Beatrice Poison

    I had arranged to meet you at Tooting Bec tube station  As I had tickets for a pop concert in Hammersmith  You rang me and told me that you could not come  As you had hurt your ankle whilst running for a bus   I looked up at the mackerel sky and admired the rippling patterns  So […]

  • Hungry Heart 

    I awoke this morning  Hungry of heart  And devoured your flesh  With the cat asleep  Under our bed  Our carnal desires Travel to a different level  On the Tuesdays and Thursdays of November