Category: Uncategorized

  • It Happened in Wimbledon

    Anna have you ever taken drugs No Have you Yes Then you are stupid I only smoked So smoking is good No I did not take hard drugs That is rather like a serial killer saying that he only killed six people whereas the true professionals kill many more I always hate you once a […]

  • The War is Over

    The war is over The theatre has closed It is time to bury the dead   The War is Over I am a survivor As I waited in the wings For the final curtain   The War is Over The war is over It was never rehearsed Only improvised    

  • Japan of Japan

    In Japan of Japan A blue blush train Passes an empty beach Both are illuminated By the morning sun

  • Five Orphans

    I found five orphans On a glacier last year This made me very sad So I decided to help them   I ordered five mums and five dads And thirteen healthy siblings As I wanted to make their Once sad lives perfect  

  • History of Lorca

    The air is beginning to cool The days are getting shorter And the nights are getting longer I am about to close my eyes

  • History of Lorca

    The summer refuses to leave I have locked all the doors They will remain locked Until the cold winds return This is the History of Lorca

  • Happy Birthday Outlaw (2)

    What do you think is happening Anna How the fuck should I know Do you think we are safe This is a safe room I know but I wish we had a periscope You get periscopes on submarines not houses Outlaw Yes May we have a periscope attached to this safe room Why So we […]

  • Happy Birthday Outlaw

    2+9=11 1+1 = 2+2+2 = 6 6 is a Perfect Number Happy Birthday Outlaw Thank You Anna Are you still alive Outlaw I am afraid I am Anna Well Happy Birthday Outlaw Thank You Anna Anna is Penelope there Yes Would you give her message Anna Tell her that sharks have been spotted What is […]

  • Photographer

    I am a blind photographer I see nothing but feel everything

  • Disobeissnance

    You have brought in laws that I and many others disagree with These suit you but very few people outside of your circle benefit We have tried to discuss these laws in a number of democratic ways But have pushed away and threatened with the loss of liberty and much more So we have chosen […]