Category: Uncategorized

  • Penelope (un poema experimental escrito en español)

    vestidos de penélope   penélope se desnuda   penélope está de vacaciones

  • Un poema experimental escrito en español

    de que color es blanco negro rojo azul verde amarillo pardo moreno gris   mar el banista el pintor el castillo el faro el mar   playa  descalzo lejano sensacional tranquilamente   penelope  ponerse la ropa quitarse la ropa   estar de vacaciones

  • Hot Soup and Free Transport in Luxembourg

    Did you say something Anna Yes but it does not matter The screech of the Herring Gulls blinded me   I found an interesting pebble yesterday What was interesting about it It was illustrated An image No just words What were these words   Hot Soup Free Transport In Luxembourg   That is an odd […]

  • The Poetry of Space

  • Moderate Trinity

    I live with two beautiful women In a Cornish village We are all artists My name is Benjamin Smith As you can tell I am a man But I am never tempted By these beautiful creatures As I see beauty in everything That is how God exists for me Even though I frequently see Ruth […]

  • Klara and the Sun

    What have you got there Angel a It is a paperback book I can see that Where did you get it A chap on the train gave it to me Was he coming on to you No he was not even looking up my skirt Are you sure Yes there are some decent men about […]

  • Job Centre Interview

    I am shagging my sister and my school teacher at the same time Well not really at the same time as that would be impossible Is that your full name sir Yes It is a bit long I fancy Not really as my bro is called There are sixteen roundabouts in Basingstoke three of which […]

  • The sunflowers lazy from their morning swim

    The sunflowers lazy from their morning swim Felt listless and slow in a parched field Their malaise had saturated their thoughts And they were unresponsive at the time of my visit

  • In Search of Sunflowers

    I have taken a break from my sea walks To search for a field of bright sunflowers   I have been told that such a field exists A mile and a day from where I sleep

  • Holding Your Breath for Love

    Holding Your Breath for Love was sad again For she has read about another sewadful uncident In the small rown where she gad beeb raised   It had haooened near the yennis courts Where many years prebuiosly She has beaten the county xhampyion   Wearing he lucky cheese cloth shirt Qhich she has been given […]