Category: Uncategorized

  • A Dramaticule

    Characters A Garage Attendant The Girl from the Diner   Time Not determined   Stage Setting Empty save for three beach chairs   The Girl from the Diner – Is your shop open   Garage Attendant – There is no shop   The Girl from the Diner – How come all gas stations have a […]

  • A Dramaticule

    Characters Mike Milly   Time Not Determined   Stage Setting Beach   Milly – Where are we ?   Mike – We are on a beach   Milly – Where is this beach ?   Mike – I do not know I just drove towards this beach following the road signs   Milly – Has […]

  • A Poem Abandoned

    If it gets any hotter Said the spider to the fly I will hide behind a fat person And there curl up and die

  • A Dramaticule

    Characters Mike Milly A Garage Attendant   Time Present Day   Stage Setting Empty save for three beach chairs   Milly – Where are we ?   Mike – We have stopped at a garage   Milly – I can see that   Garage Attendant enters   Mike – Would you fill her up   […]

  • Message in a Bottle 1/2

    I found a bottle on the beach this morning Anna Was it full Well yes and no as its contents were long gone But it was not empty in the true sense of the word You mean that somebody had pissed in it No not that Really you can be so gross Anna Go on […]

  • Tibet

    In Kingsdown in Kent you will find some unusual graffiti On the frosted windows of the male toilets Tibet has been sprayed on the said windows Why this was done is beyond me and most of mankind As Kingsdown is a small village not far from Walmer Castle That faces the sea and even in […]

  • On the Beach

    I am rewriting parts of The Roads to Freedom The ending will change as Mathieu survives the war When the church tower is shelled the bell falls over him He is injured and rendered unconscious And is not found by the Germans who search the ruins Later he is found quite by accident by the […]

  • Sinful Thoughts

    Do you have sinful thoughts Most of us would answer in the negative As we are ashamed of these thoughts But I confess that I often have sinful thoughts These never vary as there is really only one This thought is that I share the world With people I like and those who like me

  • Feminin Feminin

    Anna Yes When you walked into town this morning did you see an American flag next to one of the beach side properties Yes Do you think that Americans own the property I would imagine so It reminded me a little of Cape Cod You have never been to Cape Cod I have been there […]

  • Superman Down

    I drowned today but not in water it was beauty which had overwhelmed me silently from within there was no fight left in me it had never existed in the first place