Category: Uncategorized

  • Driving

    Sometimes when driving I cease driving and stop my car I find a field and sit on a rock or even a grassy bank And think about how alive I am and how due to a small error On my behalf or because of a slight miscalculation by a truck driver I might cease living […]

  • Small Homicides on a Hot Day

    Small Homicides was sitting on her bed She was wearing only a grey tee shirt Which she knew was exposing her maiden hair As it was rather short and a size too small   She knew that the woman in the opposite flat Was watching her whilst pretending to read A book of erotic poetry […]

  • The Cricket Matches of August

    It has been ten years since I visited this cricket ground Nothing much has changed apart from the clubhouse Which has enjoyed a lick of paint and now looks quite splendid Although I do not drink I was given a local ale on my arrival As I am well remembered in these parts as I once hit […]

  • Being and Time

    I was reading Martin Heidegger’s Being and Time in Ramsgate yesterday It was hot and really I was just loafing through this vast work and enjoying an ice cold Coke when an American couple sat at the table opposite me For some reason I found the woman looking at me or rather what I was […]

  • Freedom Road

    For the last week or so I seem to have lost my senses The weather has been hot and have not wanted to waste it As when the cooler weather arrives (and mark me it will) I will think of these sun drenched days with a great sadness   I will stop my travels now […]

  • Glasses

    I purchased a glasses case for Jane yesterday It was of a William Morris design   I reached this beautiful decision Whilst paddling in Pegwell Bay   Where one can at low tide Walk across the sand flats   Whilst taking care to avoid quicksands And other natural hazards

  • The Small Histories of my Residence

    I own a sea facing cottage on an unmade road It is about one hundred years old And was built as a summer retreat of a London solicitor It is said that he brought his mistresses here And there are written accounts of them swimming naked in the sea In 1968 when clearing out a […]

  • Fig Tree

    There is a fig tree near a sea facing inn The hot weather has not disfigured it

  • I sent three poems to my beautiful wife

    I sent three poems to my beautiful wife   These poems were full of love As two oceans separated us

  • An American Flag

    An American flag flies next to a lane That is essentially English It brings colour to the ochre beach