Category: Uncategorized

  • Visions of Christ

    Joseph Campbell once said that Catholic Nuns do not have visions of the Buddha Nor do Buddhist Nuns have visions of Christ and that the deity of one’s worship Is the function of one’s own state of mind Perhaps But why then do I have Buddha’s in my Garden Sue When I believe in Christ […]

  • There is a Pebble on your head Myriam

    There is a pebble on your head Myriam I know Is Outlaw writing a poem about us I fear so Robyn Yes Please get dressed as I do not how much longer I can avert my gaze     From Eroticism and Pebbles     Outlaw

  • Hope Ina Hope

    Hope Ina Hope is a thief she steals identities   She has stolen mine and I am now naked and nameless   May God is my temporary name May God have mercy on me Is my temporary name in full   Full is my home town I was happy there Before I departed

  • Susan Beckett

    When I was alone I did not like the person I was hanging out with   When I was within a large crowd I did not like the people around me   Susan Beckett told me That I was without Hope   This made me very angry As Hope is my best friend   I […]

  • Jack Standard

    I am a professional beach bum Today I spent time on a wartime winch I was writing as normal But things were different As I planned to put this poem Into a sea bottle And release it into the sea A trivia perhaps but a fun thing to do   Happy Birthday Totnes Railway Station  […]

  • ontempt

    Only Have ontempt For Those Who Dislike You And For Those Who Cannot Spell Contempt  

  • Anna and Anna wait for the Dustmen

    Anna do you think we should marry Whatever for Because we love each other I agree but we are not really Class One Dykes are we I mean I have always considered myself to be a bicycle We have both fucked men Sometimes at the same time Ibiza Yes I think the less said about […]

  • The Curiosities of Volleyball

    As well as being a teacher I worked in a newsagents shop It was managed by a guy named Robert Zimmer On the day in quesy=tu=ion he told me That he was in serious rriublke with a k=ole gangster I told him to make himseld scarce and I would hold the fprt but he ignored […]

  • Seal

    A young seal had been washed up By a strong incoming tide A crowd of beach people Had surrounded it Which caused it slight alarm   Discussions were in progress When a Land Rover Was spotted nearby It was Seal Rescue And I was about to meet Scott Tracy

  • Crab

    I met a large crab today It was being washed onto a beach By an incoming summer tide At first I thought it was dead due To its random movements But the creature soon started moving And I could see that is was alive So I left it to enjoy the rest of its day […]