Category: Uncategorized

  • Mourning Women in Blue

    Hi Anna where have you been I was beginning to get worried I was visiting Jasmine Tea Whatever for Because she invited me How is she Well Has she heard from Outlaw He is still in Lima   Is it true that she has a Koloman Moser On her bedroom wall Yes It must be […]

  • I Enjoy Mature Views of London

    I enjoy mature views of London From my bedroom window   The bright red buses fascinate me Or rather their shape fascinates me   We have lived in this flat for eleven years And are happy here with our two cats   But I do ache for the Kent countryside Where I was born and […]

  • Dust

    I visited your empty house Expecting to find stardust But found only the dust Of a vacant universe Contained within your rooms       Outlaw  

  • Lady Chat Ter Ton

    Lady Chat Ter Ton Drifts along the beach Unseen by many present   I often see her mid afternoon Whilst collecting smooth pebbles With prominent quartz lines   Confirm Confusion walks With her white laces untied She has done so for many years     Robin Chat Ter Ton    

  • Sinful Thoughts

    I have sinful thoughts sometimes As I often celebrate the assassinations Of the people who I do not care for Or sometimes even fully despise Yesterday an ex prime minister Of this miserable country of ours Had his putrid brains blown out By a lone assassin whilst on holiday And sadly after finding out I […]

  • Israeli Movie

    I have a dawn ritual during the hot summer months Which is to line up five shot glasses on a wooden bench Each of these glasses carries a transfer which reads SOLID Pink Orange Yellow Blue and Black no other colours are considered There is no real reason for doing this apart from the pleasure […]

  • A Velvet Revolution

    You have the most wonderful bum Anna Yours is better No I disagree You move from the hips You glide as you walk Your backside has a theatre of its own   I think my bum is too rounded Yours is beautifully angular And you have the most beautiful legs   Why for heaven’s sake […]

  • Still Dreaming of Velvet

    As the tropical weather approaches us I still think of the short winter days When this cottage was so important to me And was not just the resting place that it is today I feel almost guilty as I roam the fields and meadows In search of summer music and the sweet seasons songs And  […]

  • Clue

    Eustacia Vye Eustache Vye 06/07/2022

  • Three Studies of Isabel Rawsthorne

    I have a copy of Francis Bacon’s Three Studies of Isabel Rawsthorne (on white ground) On the wall of my flat in South Kensington It is a triptych painted in 1965   I rather like the artists work but have purchased only this copy It suits the plain walls of my lounge which overlooks the […]