Category: Uncategorized

  • Charles and Crawford

    Charles and Crawford Are rowing a boat On a sea Blue black and white They know that they will never return As the beach is now out of sight     A Sea Rhyme from Kent  

  • Morning of the Heat

    It is silent Utterly silent A heat mist Sits over the sea A lone gull passes overhead The trees remain still     04:15 18/06/22

  • Poppy Pagoda Mixed My Soda

    Poppy Pagoda Mixed My Soda Was a small van that sold nothing But cold soft drinks of all descriptions I worked there one summer many years ago And brushed up on my Shakespeare studies When business was quiet or very slow The van was parked opposite a small rockery Which was part of a long […]

  • A Green Ship on a Marble Sea

    Level timit Level timit Level timit Was the captain of a green ship on a marble sea He was immensely proud of his ageing ship And took pride in its immaculate appearance   John’s Pastoral Poetry I was sitting on top of a derelict sea castle Reading a book of John’s pastoral poetry Behind me […]

  • BloomsDay

    HappyBloomsDayEveryone 16thJune190416thJune2022 IwasaFloweofthemountainyeswhenIputtheroseinmyhairliketheAndalusiangirlsusedorsmallIwearredyesandhowhe kissedmeundertheMoorishWallandIthoughtwellaswellhimasanotherandthenIaskedhimwithmyeyestoaskagainyesand thenhaskedmewouldIyestosayyesmymountainflowerandfirstIputmyarmsaroundhimyesanddrewhimdowntomesohe couldfeelmybreastsallperfumeyesandhisheartwasgoinglikemadandyesIsaidyesIwillyes FuckYouMolly FuckYouLeo

  • The Cherries on our June Tree

    We now have cherries on our June Tree Only eight yet better than none But these fruits will not grace our table As the summer birds will have hidden them Far away from our graceful garden In the full view of those who care

  • The White Desert

    There is a white desert not far from our cottage Sally A white desert here by the sea Yes Can we visit it later today Are you not tired after your long journey No not really Anna Then we shall depart within the hour How far away is it About a mile Will I need […]

  • The Gramophone Factory

    I was waiting for a train at Hayes Railway Station in Kent Having just purchased a book of George Orwell’s poetry from the bookstall Up to then I did know that Orwell had written poetry My attention had been drawn to an incident in Hayes Middlesex When a flying bomb fell on a Gramophone Factory […]

  • GI SMO

    The last photograph I remember of him Was taken not far from Dover in the June of 2022 He was wearing a light green shirt With a darker green vest underneath As normal he was wearing his aviator shades The army jeep that was in the photograph Belonged to a friend who was dining with […]

  • The Dreadful Messengers of the Kalahari

    Wisdom lead me through the verdant paths Past the barns and the ancient warehouses To the redundant church where my ancestors lay In their blissful tombs lit by subterranean lights He said that I should sing on the makeshift stage Which was impossible because I had no earthly voice So the assembled would only hear […]