Category: Uncategorized

  • Anna

    I always think that you want to talk to me What makes you say that You undress me with your eyes Do I Yes Then I apologise There is no need to apologise It is perfectly normal You find me attractive Many of my patients find me attractive I am not your patient Anna Do […]

  • Washington

    Happy to have you back Are you feeling better Much better Wednesday I am visiting Mummy When are you back Not sure But I will be in Richmond at times Josie you are such a maddening creature A Summer Butterfly What are you doing I am in the garden You will never be as brown […]

  • Days to be Predicted

    Tiff I am back in the UK I would like you to meet Cora As she loves pottery Her father is a famous potter Wear panties you bad girl J x

  • Avoid the Jellyfish

    Touch one and they burn and sting Yet the tempting sea is full of them They move with the waves These are the opening lines Maerhe Avoid the Jellyfish is only a working title I have yet to decide on a permanent one Will you visit me in the afternoon As I have some drawings […]

  • Antennae Babies Sing ..

    Your latest poem Ever Wish What the fuck Is it about I am totally confused It is about everything And nothing my friend There is never a destination Only the journey matters The JOurnEy always matters

  • Antennae Babies Sing .

    Your latest poem Ever Wish What the fuck Does it mean I am totally confused It means everything And nothing my friend There is not a destination Only the journey matters The JOurnEy always matters

  • Ever Wish

    Remove the stars From the night sky They no longer Have a use Antennae Babies Sing

  • Late Summers Day

    It was serene late summers day I was sitting on the edge Of a smooth shingle ridge Jane was reading nearby A gentle south easterly breeze Brought a calmness to the beach As the our day began to fade August 17th 2024

  • Back in Richmond

    Mummy After an endless train journey I am back in Richmond I feel like I have been on an amazing journey I have lost and discovered myself Cora and I will arrive on Wednesday Will confirm when travelling Talking about travel England seemed so small and dirty Perhaps that is the price I have to […]

  • The Railway Children

    Hi Joe I know how much you like the railways Here is some news that will make you happy/unhappy Quoting the BBC We want the same pay deal as drivers, says the RMT boss They expect a parallel, synchronised offer to that offered to drivers’ union Aslef on Wednesday. Yes the government has caved in […]