Category: Uncategorized

  • Lui

    I am married to the most wonderful man He is gentle and very cultured And we never have cross word He buys all my clothes as he has an eye For what suits me and what does not I must confess that not all meet with my approval But I pretend to like them and […]

  • Brown Sugar

    I have lived next to level crossing Since the age of thirteen It is policed by automatic barriers And apart from a couple of incidents Nothing major has really happened That was until the last day of May When a motorcyclist ran the barriers And was hit by a train and killed I did not […]

  • I Hope I hope i hope

    I hope that God appoints me as the next Jesus Christ Or at least in a senior supporting role As I am a good man Who is full of compassion for others To tell you the truth I am beginning to tire of being a Samaritan It is full of calls from people who are […]

  • Simplicity

    the hearse the horse the driver  nothing more    These were Pirandello’s instructions about what should be observed at his funeral He died suddenly in Rome in December 1936 Do you remember watching Kaos at the cinema with me Anna Very much I consider the movie to be cinematic poetry The scene on the pumice […]

  • Gare au sud

    There is something quite unremarkable about this city station Its architecture is dull and predictable and it is quite dark in places Any advantages that it might have possessed are hidden well But this is where I catch my trains travelling south So it holds a special advantage in my quiet reflections As I know […]

  • Marcel Cinema

    I am a film maker But I have never Made a film I know many actresses Who would like to Work with me And they know That it would Enhance their careers But this will never happen In the cinema of my dreams

  • Unfortunately Undressing

    I was late getting up and wandered into the bathroom Stark naked with a erection as I tend to wake up in that state As the house was quiet I thought it to be without occupation Imagine my shock then when I saw you quite naked at the sink I do not know who was […]

  • Breakfast with Pythagoras

    Silence is better than unmeaning words    Tea or Coffee   Coffee   I need a coffee   White or black   Grey please    

  • The Bookshop Manager

    I am a bookshop manager And have been one for many years I only work in towns beginning with C Cirencester Cheltenham Coventry and Seaford In that time I have seen many things Including the world famous author Who stole her own signed books I blackmailed her for six years And had my own poetry […]

  • A Bag Full of Pebbles

    Today on an early summer beach I could be found collecting pebbles My linen bag was soon full Of pebbles of many colours But one gathered my attention More than all the others It was small pebble less than an inch across That possessed a hole through which I could See the sea in all […]