Category: Uncategorized

  • Dead Utopia

    Utopia died last night She was found dead This morning By her maid When I heard the news It devastated me As we were going camping In a few weeks It seems that I will travel alone Unless you choose to join me       Red Poem Number Two 

  • My Norwegian Cousin

    I have a Norwegian cousin She lives in Stoke Her name is Liv She is mild mannered And quite beautiful As most Norwegians are   I have never met her As I live in Western Australia My name is David I am also mild mannered Tall and good looking As many Australians are   We […]

  • Torch Lilies

    Summer is nearly here The beach never lies I can see the Torch Lilies From my sand window And await the arrival Of the beautiful Sun Birds

  • It was me always me

    It was me always me Nobody else is to blame It must have been My Anglo-Saxon heritage But I felt a sudden great sadness And that is why I did what I did Lock me away for a thousand years And forget about me without guilt This is the punishment I deserve Or you might […]

  • Thomas Paine

    He who dares not offend cannot be honest  Then I am a thief Anna You are as honest as the day is long Anna Who said that Dunno I better ask Outlaw then Outlaw I am busy Anna Just a quick question The above quotation Yes Who should I thank Thomas Paine Can I get […]

  • Dawn

    I have always loved the stillness of the dawn The cool silence damp from the night dew A new sun rising quietly from beneath the horizon I feel at my freshest and most vulnerable during this hour

  • Faraway So Close

    You stare from the bright carriage window Abstract in deep thought without reveal We will only be apart for a matter of hours Before we travel together towards the sea      

  • Happiness

    Do not seek happiness As it is within oneself Well that has answered All my questions So I can now go to war Safe in the knowledge That I am a happy man     Anon 

  • On a Connecticut Farm

    My sister and I often sit on the porch of our farm And discuss things large and small We recently spoke about the colour fields on the planet Mars As Lou-Roy had a great interest in art history Yesterday we travelled to the badlands of the state To bag some serial killers and to catch […]

  • Seagulls are Full of Shit

    Seagulls are full of shit But they are very intelligent creatures Recently whilst in Bath I watched as a seagull Devoured the remains of an unlucky pigeon But as it ate it dragged the carcass nearer To the kerb as it was aware of the hazards That the city traffic had in store I admired […]