Category: Uncategorized

  • Tea with Bill and Lao Tzu

    I have just three things to teach  Simplicity patience and compassion  These three are your greatest treasures   Over to you Bill   You understand simplicity well And appreciate its well being   But you are not a patient man You expect rapid results   You are compassionate by nature But do not expect it […]

  • Garages

    When one is unwell a hot water bottle Is considered to be your only friend I do not dispute this fact But do believe that garages Have an important role to play In one’s full and speedy recovery       Outlaw

  • The Road to Freedom

    There is a rough standing contractors road Which branches off from the coastal path It is about one hundred a fifty yards in length And fades into the shingle beach and then the sea I quite often wander along it with my eyes closed A canvas under my arm and mixed paints in my bag […]

  • There is another world but it is in this one

    An Irish poet once said this I considered his words when looking At an early flower blush pink What worlds do you see That are vacant to my eye I cannot even guess at them As my thoughts remain closed         WBY

  • Talking to the Sea

    I chatted with the sea today I did not howl or cry As I normally do I just listened as the sea Told me about her problems And then I discussed mine Nothing really new emerged From our gentle discussions But we both felt better afterwards   In a way I am lucky As my […]

  • April’s Fish

    Do you realise Anna that until 1558 March the 32nd existed I do not believe you As today is the Day of Fools Well just check here What is it It’s a book of poetry by Eloy d’ Amerval He explains this in detail in his mammoth poem Poisson d’ Avril It seems that in […]

  • The Woman at the Bus Stop

    We have a bus stop in our coastal village Which is almost covered in undergrowth But it serves its purpose as an adequate shelter During the days of rain and cloud Tell me about the woman at the bus stop Anna There is not much to tell apart that she lives in the village With […]

  • Joy of Storms

    Joy of Storms and I went to the beach today It was extremely desolate with huge waves Crashing against a shattered shore The wind which was a bitter northerly Chilled our fingers as we took photographs   We had been here only a few days ago Wearing our tee shirts and shorts And reading thin […]

  • Fear of Travelling

    From a very young age I have travelled on trains in France I mostly travel alone but sometimes with friends If I am on my own then I think nothing of leaving a train And spending the night at a random railway station Where I read pulp paperbacks to while away the hours I was […]

  • Luggers off Folkestone

    1880 Two fishing luggers are becalmed at sea Not far from the harbour at Folkestone Their crews are preparing to row To make some headway as the hour is mature   2022 The white cliffs are almost identical Today as they were then With few changes to their geography But those beautiful luggers are long […]