Category: Uncategorized

  • Identification of a Woman

    Hi Joe Slumming it again I hear Very much Is Berlin nice It is a phoenix city Mind you it so fucking hot Molly I know what you are going to say The flames Very much I have a question for you Joe Forty-Two My brother who is eight years older than me Has confided […]

  • Avoncliff

    I was raised near here And used to watch trains Pass through the station Until recently a mannequin Also watched trains From the balcony Of a lineside house Her name was Carole

  • Red Mercedes

    I sat in the back of a Red Mercedes Listening to the music of dry tears Two trips around the world That is all I was asking of you Anaïs

  • Apple Trees

    Apple Trees in Spring This is what I have written In my rough notebook Erotic Poems of Summer

  • Salomé

    The very mention of your name Makes me wet I have to shower During summer storms To cleanse my thoughts Erotic Poems of Summer

  • Think Voltaire 2

    Joe is angry He is so fucking angry I hate seeing him unhappy Josie

  • 2+2=5

    Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities

  • Think Voltaire

    I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

  • Free Speech

    I visited the grave of Free Speech today He was a much loved friend Who will be sadly missed His grave was covered in flowers Red White and Blue

  • La rage

    la rage de l’innocence